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[Tutorial] Ripping Guide for Animal Crossing New Horizons
(04-29-2020, 03:15 PM)Username123 Wrote: @thezebradude1 I think I figured out where to check which channel is used for what. But I not sure.

There is a small plus next to the 3D object in the Switch Toolbox. If you press it, the material folder will be displayed. Press on one of the materials it contains. And on the right side, you will see different tabs press "Shader Options". In the list that is now displayed, "material_select_roughness_channel" is included. Blathers shows the number 2 there, which I think means the green channel is responsible for the roughness. With the ironwood chair and many other pieces of furniture, the number 3 is displayed, i.e. the blue channel. I'm just not sure whether the number 0 means that the alpha channel is used or whether it simply means that no channel is intended for it. It is also worth noting that "material_roughness" is included in the Parameters tab with a corresponding value that is not always 1.

I was also wondering what exactly you do with a gray-scaled diffuse/base color map

I've been looking into the Shader Options output to see if I can get a better idea of what the heck the different channels and textures are used for and here's what I've got atm:

Before the actual channel (e.g. "material_select_roughness_channel") there is the same name minus the "_channel" at the end and the value for that indicates which texture file is being used.

So far it seems like the values map to the following textures:
0 = Alb
1 = Normal
2 = Mix
3 = Emissions
1000 = Not used

The channel values map to the following:
0 = A
1 = R
2 = G
3 = B

So for example, if you saw this:
material_select_occlusion = 2
material_select_occlusion_channel = 1

it would mean the red channel from the Mix texture file should be mapped to the occlusion mask.

A lot of these rules seem to be thrown out the window when it comes to the NPC and player models though because looking at the mix files, I'm pretty certain some channels are used for things like specular when they're indicated as not being used in the Shader Options. Also, there are instances where there is definitely transparency but it's not using them (look at any plant and the leaves aren't using transparency like they should be). All in all, it's kind of a mess.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Tutorial] Ripping Guide for Animal Crossing New Horizons - by Fobwashed - 04-29-2020, 08:29 PM
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