05-07-2020, 02:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2020, 04:17 PM by Random Talking Bush.)
Figured I'd leave this here since I've been trying to make sense of the shader setups. Here's a list of all of the texture suffixes I've seen / should be used for submissions:
Additionally, it seems all clothing (or at least the shirts specifically) follow the same pattern for their "_Mix" textures -- R = _Mtl (metalness), G = _Ocl (occlusion), B = _EdgCod (edge light coordinate), A = _Rgh (roughness).
_Alb = Albedo, RGB = diffuse, alpha = trans (_Crv)
_AlbEx = Albedo layer
_AlbGry = Albedo, greyscale
_AlbOry = Albedo layer
_Crv = Trans (normally the alpha channel of "_Alb", only seen separately with "mydesign" models)
_Dit = Dither pattern
_EdgCod = Edge light coordinate color
_Emi = Emission
_EmiOry = Emission layer
_Emm = Emission, alternate ("_Emi" is more commonly used)
_EmmOry = Emission layer, alternate
_ETxt = Emission for "Countdown" text
_FlrGrd = Floor color grid? (Only one is "RoomTexShareTextureFloor_FlrGrd")
_FlrOcm = Floor occlusion map?
_Grd = Color grid
_GrdEdge = Color grid, edge (Only used for Grass and GrassSnow)
_Hgt = Height map?
_Ind = Bump map?
_Mix = Various, combination of occlusion ("_Ocl"), edge light coordinate ("_EdgCod"), roughness ("_Rgh"), metalness ("_Mtl"), and specular ("_Spc")
_Mix2 = Various, only used with "ReFabric" materials
_Mtl = Metalness
_Nrm = Normal map
_Nrm2 = Secondary normal map
_Ocl = Occlusion
_OclMlp = Occlusion, alternate?
_OP = Opacity
_Rft = Lightwarp
_Rgh = Roughness
_Sft = Lightwarp mask?
_Spc = Specular
_Spm = Specular, alternate name
Additionally, it seems all clothing (or at least the shirts specifically) follow the same pattern for their "_Mix" textures -- R = _Mtl (metalness), G = _Ocl (occlusion), B = _EdgCod (edge light coordinate), A = _Rgh (roughness).