This is it: the big day for my Blender scripts has arrived!
Version 2.0.0 of both the NUMDLB and NUANMB scripts have finally been released:
As usual, the scripts can be found at Note that the 2.79 compatible version is now located in a separate branch at New features for this branch will likely be less frequent, as all development has focused on the 2.80+ versions of the scripts.

As usual, the scripts can be found at Note that the 2.79 compatible version is now located in a separate branch at New features for this branch will likely be less frequent, as all development has focused on the 2.80+ versions of the scripts.
## [2.0.0] - 2020-08-22
* First numbered version for Blender 2.80 and later. Older Blender versions are no longer supported. Material setup is now done with nodes.
* Support for texturing two UV maps with materials. Especially allows to render most characters' eyes OOTB.
* Normal maps, PRM maps (Used with Principled BSDF shaders), and Emissive maps are now supported, but disabled by default.
* In relationship to the above, added options for toggling each of the three kinds of extra textures.
* Image alpha determined by specific keywords (most commonly "alp") in material names and/or texture names, instead of being set unilaterally for every texture. The option to unilaterally set image alpha has been subsequently removed.
* Alpha channel of vertex colors supported.
* Added undo history support.
* No longer create rest poses, as they are already embedded per armature during import.