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Randy & Manilla - Two sibs in a Quantum Travel (Early Access available)
2021 is being a year that seems very insecure to release a new Randy & Manilla version (especially how the Internet changed), apart from the fact that I still have a lot ahead of me. But as compensation and proof that I continue with the development, I leave these 3 cool renders of the main characters (Randy, Manilla and E-Mailer):

[Image: delsgy4-04c8139b-aefc-4e8d-a294-b2dad444...Qf4tsm0mE0]
Randy Qubit

[Image: delsh83-f5a75a2c-b095-4fe6-abeb-2acb5dcb...AY-geSUPKc]

[Image: delshep-078e1dca-9971-420b-9bc0-e2596049...N1F8auCqcc]

The good thing is that in the discord server during this 2021, it was a little more active and that we have reached to 13 members.
(Invitation link to the Randy & Manilla's Discord server):
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Randy & Manilla (Help for developing) - by ofihombre7 - 06-19-2021, 03:22 PM

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