I looked at the first model. One vert is not in any vertex group.
Compare with the same vert on the other side
So you need to add it to the Jaw_J group with weight 1.0.
Btw to find this vert I selected the mesh in Object mode, ran this from the text editor,
and then switched to edit mode and looked for the selected vert. Dunno if there's a builtin way.
Compare with the same vert on the other side
So you need to add it to the Jaw_J group with weight 1.0.
Btw to find this vert I selected the mesh in Object mode, ran this from the text editor,
import bpy
me = bpy.context.object.data
for p in me.polygons: p.select = False
for e in me.edges: e.select = False
for v in me.vertices: v.select = sum(g.weight for g in v.groups) < 0.1
and then switched to edit mode and looked for the selected vert. Dunno if there's a builtin way.