Hi! I think you're getting it on how to use quad player to get the assembled sprites. That's great!
As for convert the game files to quad files, it shouldn't not be too difficult for you. Basically you just make a new folder, copy "php.exe", "php7ts.dll", and "php.ini" from Step 1, and then copy "psxtools" from Step 2. Finally put the files you want to decode to the same folder and run the command accordingly. The working folder look like this:
Let me know if you have any problem. Good luck!
- Rufas
P.S. Are you exporting the sprites as animated GIF? I think you should use APNG instead. Vanillaware sprites have half-transparency parts that GIF does not support.
As for convert the game files to quad files, it shouldn't not be too difficult for you. Basically you just make a new folder, copy "php.exe", "php7ts.dll", and "php.ini" from Step 1, and then copy "psxtools" from Step 2. Finally put the files you want to decode to the same folder and run the command accordingly. The working folder look like this:
Let me know if you have any problem. Good luck!
- Rufas
P.S. Are you exporting the sprites as animated GIF? I think you should use APNG instead. Vanillaware sprites have half-transparency parts that GIF does not support.