12-15-2021, 10:30 PM
(12-15-2021, 02:33 PM)scurest Wrote: When Blender does skinning it automatically normalizes all non-zero weights so they sum to 1. The COLLADA exporter normalizes weights when it exports too. So for Blender, you don't have to worry about the weight sum being exactly 1, it only has to be positive. You only need to worry about unassigned verts.
Your mesh has a bunch of loose verts. They aren't assigned to a group, so that's why the checker is mad. To clean it up, select all your meshes, go into edit mode, press A to select everything, then pick Mesh > Clean Up > Delete Loose from the menu in the viewport. It will delete about 1600 junk verts. Exit edit mode, then export to COLLADA, and the checker should be happy.
Thanks a bunch, that worked perfectly!