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[PAID REQUEST] Sega Genesis - Dashin' Desperadoes
Hello there!

Is there someone in this community that I can pay to rip an old game for me.

Game: Dashin' Desperadoes
System: Sega Genesis
Video Reference:
Pay Rate: Whatever is reasonable on an hourly basis - I understand your time is valued
Artifact Output: Sprites sheets, 1 per each asset e.g. The character Will comes as his own sprite sheet, the enemy vulture is its own as well

Asset Lists (In order of priority)
  • Characters
  • Enemies
  • Level Environment Tile Sets
  • Weapon Tile Sets

Once we have these resources, we would like to donate them to the so other community members can enjoy them as well.
Thanked by:

Messages In This Thread
[PAID REQUEST] Sega Genesis - Dashin' Desperadoes - by Hugbot - 02-09-2022, 11:37 PM

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