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Is there a policy on links to external resources in submissions?
I include a readme file in my model submissions to guide users who may need help understanding what's what (e.g. which texture is the metallic map and which is the gloss map). I've recently found that I made a faulty assumption with a thing or three and now need to update all those readmes. This is going to take some time (which I'll use to also make other updates to the submissions), and I'd rather not have to do it again if I find another error in the future.

So, I want to instead have most of the readme be replaced with "go to this link for my general advice on this game's models", which I can keep up-to-date without requiring mod intervention. Would this be a problem? I can understand that the mods might not want submissions to have links in them because they're unpolicable. Would it be okay if the link was to a reputable site such as TheCuttingRoomFloor, or to a thread in these forums? (Which forum would such a thread belong in?)
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Messages In This Thread
Is there a policy on links to external resources in submissions? - by Sir Teatei Moonlight - 10-21-2022, 08:09 PM

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