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Randy & Manilla - Two sibs in a Quantum Travel (Early Access available)
It's been 3 years, and I have a bittersweet experience with the Randy & Manilla's development: On the one hand, I feel very proud that the great progress I made with the game and how more testers and streamers have accepted my idea of the game better every time (at least until the 2nd beta).
But on the other hand, I still don't feel completely satisfied with the direction the game is taking, and no matter how many bugs I fix or details I perfect, there are still plenty of bugs and things that I don't even know how to fix. This also brought a series of complaints: That if the controls, that if the camera still fails, that if Randy moves slow, that the hoops are trolling, the poor physics and hitboxes of the Gamezone Cube bosses, and even wanting me to reboot the game for a purely 2D one or another different proposal (very drastic).

I don't know if I'm really proud or disappointed with the project, I don't know if I'm really doing it for the enjoyment of the players or just doing it for myself.
And it's incredible that so far it's hard for it to be seen by many people, and it seems that it doesn't matter no matter how much marketing I invest to publicize the project, and my budget is already running out.
I don't even feel like posting more Randy & Manilla posts on Twitter because of Elon Musk.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Randy & Manilla (Help for developing) - by ofihombre7 - 11-12-2022, 05:05 PM

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