11-22-2022, 03:46 PM
(11-22-2022, 07:36 AM)Barack Obama Wrote: Ah, I already ripped and submitted that a few days ago. For some reason, the revision for Nemica's old sheet takes longer than expected.Ah, okay. I can understand why you're waiting, given that I have submitted a revision to some older sheets (e.g. the Numbered Platform to include the palettes of 4-3 and 6-7) and they took longer than compared to previous time.
In fact, after I'm done with the waterfall / lava cave, all backgrounds should be complete. I will doublecheck Peardian's maps on MarioUniverse but I am pretty sure this is it.
I also have just submitted a revision to the 5-8 background since there also exist a layer 3 version of it (used in the first half of 5-8). Could be ripped by your as well but you never know.