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[SOLVED] Ripping sprites from a ".sql" file
I'm a big fan of Mojang's "Callers bane" (formerly known as "Scrolls"). You can download the game client and even set up your own server from here: (important for later)

Recently, I've wanted to get my hands on cutout animation assets and wanted to rip them from the game.

Below is what I have attempted so far:

1. Unity Extraction

Caller's Bane is a Unity Game so it made sense that the assets I was looking for would be within the project files and I initially extracted what I could from the game's resource file. I found card art, background art, player profile pieces and only one single sprite sheet that fit what I was looking for. I practically had every game asset but the unit sprite sheets. I tried decompiling the project with a different tool and opening it up in the Unity editor but I still couldn't find what I was looking for. (tools used: AssetBundleExtractor_3.0beta1_64bit and uTinyRipper_x64)



2. The SQL file
Since I was stumped, I decided to see if maybe this info was stored server side and took a look at the "callersbane_database.sql" file provided in the link above. It turns out that there are raw files being stored on the files, and so I tried to extract them.


I was able to convert the raw data into unit sprites! Unfortunately, it seems that all of the files there are static images or card art, and not the sprite sheets as shown above. (Not 100% certain, still sifting through each line)


3. The animation_bundles table
I strongly suspect that the assets I'm looking for is within the animation_bundles table, probably the hexadecimal code to maybe the Unity animator files. Unfortunately I am stumped, I don't know how to manipulate the data to extract anything useful.


I hope some of you at least find this little investigation interesting. If any of you have other ways of cracking this, please let me know.

p.s. First time poster, please let me know if I should fix up the post in any way
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Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED] Ripping sprites from a ".sql" file - by natchoguy - 02-18-2024, 10:35 PM

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