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[SOLVED] Ripping sprites from a ".sql" file
Update: 4.Unpacking the animation_bundles data
I was ready to give up on extracting data from the table but I strongly suspected that the table was for '.anim' files that Unity uses, or something of that sort. I realized that the images where likely embedded right into the file itself. With some research I found out that "89504E470D0A1A0A" is the unique signature of PNG files. Once I found the portion of the hexadecimal string, I took it out and after some liberal removal of probably other '.anim' data got a partial success:


I still haven't gotten a full extraction and my other attempt converted looks like it produces tearing.


Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get more than a top half extracted so far as it seems that the '.png' portion isn't stored raw, which doesn't allow for a complete extraction so far. On the bright side, I am definitely looking in the right place, I just need to figure out how to manipulate the values. I now believe that the filetype being stored on the db is the unity AssetBundle (which fits with the table name), it will take some time to figure out how to either stream the data to myself or to maybe convert the values into a file and open it up with some other tool.
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RE: Ripping sprites from a ".sql" file - by natchoguy - 02-20-2024, 02:42 AM

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