(02-22-2024, 07:58 AM)lafouine Wrote: Hi guys, I'm new here and I've been drawn by those amazing diablo 2 sprites oO
I'm currently working on a rpg Adventure Game Studio project and would like to use the barbarian animations as a basis to create my animations. But the previous page, as complete as it is still misses a few animations that I would love to have (death, whirlwind...) so I tried ripping them myself. I followed a few tutorials that I found on the net but I still can't figure how to use MPQ viewer to extract the COF files from the installation folder. Is there any tutorial here about how to use this software ? I always have the same error message when I try to open a COF file with MPQ viewer and I can't tell where it comes from...
Thanks in advance
I was about to make a Diablo II post but you beat me to that, Thanks Buddy !

While i cant help you with ripping, i wanted to add a few more missing D2 Animations:
Zombies (Walking Dead) sprites are missing. (But the body parts can be found on the site seperetly) I wish to use the full creature and not just parts.
Necromancer Skeleton Warriors are Skeleton Mages are missing, i also notice that the normal ingame Skeleton Warriors and Skeleton magesĀ
(Like the burning Dead Skeletons, in Act II and the Horror varients are missing too.
Act 4 Oblivion and Abyss Knights are missing.
Also Act 4 mini bosses are missing too, Like the Infector of souls, Lord De Seis and Grand Vizier of Chaos.