09-20-2024, 09:25 PM
I'm pretty new to this but I'm trying to import all original 151 pokemons and their animations into blender and eventually to unity. I will be using LGPE models and animations and have downloaded both from Models link in the first post. I am trying to open the pokemon models in switch toolbox but for each pokemon there is a mdl folder with all of the files in it. I am succesfull by going into this mdl folder and opening all of the .bntx and .gfbmdl files within this folder and finally exporting the .gfbmdl file to a dae and bring that into blender. My question is, am I doing this efficiently? is there a faster or better way of doing this or do I need to manually go in and open each file in the mdl folder and then export? There is also a .gfbpokecfg file that I can't open with switch toolbox, and I feel like this file is the key to making this a bit faster. Any insight on what it is or any suggestions are appreciated!