03-06-2009, 09:59 PM
I either just sprite or listen to music from what ever game it is I'm working on (so that's Metal Slug 3 music for the rest of my life).
Watching TV would distract too much, and scare me - as I'm not connected.
However, if the CAGcast (the only pod cast I listen to) has been updated I'll most likely be doing some sprites while listening to that, but that's so I don't get distracted from the CAGcast, not the sprites.
I'll also stop every now and again and play some of the game to make sure I stay enthusiastic.
Watching TV would distract too much, and scare me - as I'm not connected.
However, if the CAGcast (the only pod cast I listen to) has been updated I'll most likely be doing some sprites while listening to that, but that's so I don't get distracted from the CAGcast, not the sprites.
I'll also stop every now and again and play some of the game to make sure I stay enthusiastic.