03-08-2009, 02:49 PM
Sim, tmbm sou brasileira, e tem + um tmbm daqui do BR.
Eu acho q o cabelo dele poderia ser + tons de prata do q avermelhado, ou um loiro quase branco (q nem o portrait dele como Alucard no Dawn of Sorrow), ou vc quer um número máximo de cores?
(Yeah, I'm Brazilian too, and there is yet another Brazilian around
I think his hair could be more silver than reddish, or a very light blond (like his portrait as Alucard at Dawn of Sorrow), or you're aiming to have a maximum color count?)
Eu acho q o cabelo dele poderia ser + tons de prata do q avermelhado, ou um loiro quase branco (q nem o portrait dele como Alucard no Dawn of Sorrow), ou vc quer um número máximo de cores?
(Yeah, I'm Brazilian too, and there is yet another Brazilian around
I think his hair could be more silver than reddish, or a very light blond (like his portrait as Alucard at Dawn of Sorrow), or you're aiming to have a maximum color count?)