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[INDEV]SSBClash updated 13/04/2012
Sorry Gokudo, I was just ashamed to see how clash has already so much done and rumble, not alot...
so yeah.
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mmh, no, i'm 18 years old, and i learn english on school, i use web translator To go faster, in my answers and in translation. But I read sometimes Web translator write any forgery, that see has strength.

Vipershark - No, I did not answer you for cause that seen what you said finally you answered has the question you even.
Yes I stole this idea, if you want, but it is to have the style that you asked.

Number Six, Vipershark - Yeah this is list of Spriter for clash. But But has our days, Guabiboy, WarioMan make only 2 char each... and stoped + disapear ? i think
RangeTE disapear ? i wait, he's back... EliteKill Yeah, last character is Samus.
I add shade.x for character designer ? I exactly began with him the lineup of clash. But I have to forget to get in touch, I wait to see again(to revise) him(it) for it. I add younglink but Which(Who) often make of good thing(matter), but he(it) is occupied with the school.
At present I considered that I and shade.x for the style of clash. But except it, we need spriters all the same to develop new style.
I still hope of the help(assistant), good on I know that little of nobody accepts of project to see on 100 % for which I asked, 98 % of not.

HyperSonic92 - Oh I see whom you are you have make sprites for SSF2. Euh the probléme it is because I would have proposed well one kind(genre) of partnership with SSF2, but once I asked used(employed) sprites on their forum.. Has 1,2 it of it which(who) sent me to shit there is only Mcleod and another person who answered me normally and after that we did not even use the sprites as one had asked for permissions... For accepted the sprites of emergency medical services about which you speak to me it would be necessary that you we them given if had them to you make...
I envy the community of SSF2 filled(performed) with world who help(assistant) they finished most of the sprites has to make it stay that coded, and has to see for maps..
[Image: Banner.gif]
[Image: gokudozerotsuken2.png]
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I just tried it out, and I gotta say this looks really good. Cool
There are a few things missing though:
1. Directional attacks, I.e. attacking depending on the direction your pushing.
2. Running attacks. I only tried this with sonic but he could use one, and everyone else if they don't have it.
3. Sound. Does this game have any sound? I don't hear any, but it could be that it's because I ran this on an Emulator. In any case, if you want some music, I could make some for you if you want. I'm not good with remixes though, I only do my own music.

Another thing. A lot of fan games are lacking Sega characters outside of sonic, and these 2 smash games are no different, it's the main reason behind my own project(See the GIF in my Signature). Do you think that maybe you would consider throwing in characters like Vectorman, Ristar, Sketch from Comix zone, or 1 or 2 fighters from streets of rage? Even characters like Earthworm Jim, any of the Battletoads(namely rash, lol). It's just that I'd like to see these guys in more fangames like this one. Sonic is my favorite Sega Game series, but he isn't the only one.
Check out:
[Image: anim_8a980d7a-c355-b5b4-55c8-2382ebeb4a94.gif]
(Click Image to Download latest Demo)

I need Genesis sprites ripped for this Homebrew project. If interested in helping me out, please hit me up on the PM. Cool
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Don't worry
The Official theard
Quote:idle [x]
Walk [x]
Run [x]
Jump [x]
Double Jump [x]
Fall [x]
Freefall [x]
Land [x]
Crouch [x]
Guard [x]
Hurt [x]
Knock Back [x]
AAA [x]
A<> [x]
AV [x]
A^ [x]
B [x]
B<> [x]
BV [x]
B^ [x]
Y^ [x]
Y<> [x]
YV [x]
Neutral Aerial [x]
Aerial ^ [x]
Aerial > [x]
Aerial V [x]
Aerial < [x]
*Win [ ]
*Lose [ ]
*Dead [ ]
*Grab [ ]
*Throw^ [ ]
*Throw<> [ ]
*ThrowV [ ]

Sound? Last Version With Sound And we need just to reduce(compress) of the musics

I have already seen your games(sets), the truck only one that I would love in it is everything the sprite of the serie sonic.
But even he(it) will not enter Clash which is already has approximately 80 Characters and which summons us so little to spriter has to develop them even if I would love Silver, Rush and of the other one inside, me even I am against in view(sight) of our present situation.
[Image: Banner.gif]
[Image: gokudozerotsuken2.png]
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I from updated the post, i hope people want help us...
[Image: Banner.gif]
[Image: gokudozerotsuken2.png]
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