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Official Team Fortress 2012 Lounge
(11-12-2012, 06:18 PM)[MachoBot RoboSavage] Wrote: So what happened to the tSR server?

No idea, I asked that a while ago too. I hope Dazz and Raz haven't given up on it completely, although I can understand if they're busy.
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(11-12-2012, 07:23 PM)Sonikku Wrote:
(11-12-2012, 07:05 PM)Rakia Wrote: I stopped using the Holy Mackerel once the pan became nearly all-class.
I should use it again, it was humiliating to see people getting hit by a fish.

i only use the frying pan on my pyro these days; connoisseur's cap + frying pan + virtually anything else makes a pyrochef and its glorious

which on that note reminds me that the connoisseur's cap would be an excellent all-class hat

I've always wanted that hat... if only 'cause I'd like to collect every pyro item. I'm fine with my Brigade's Helm in terms of what I wear.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
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oh hey I didn't know there was one of these on this website

current Steam username's Recov150 but you'd be better off going here
(12-10-2012, 12:23 PM)Orgasmatron Wrote: i like to go into public restrooms and poop as loudly as possible

its like taking a shit without giving a shit HEH
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[Image: 9B7DDE487E1C765C0BCE5A71A30408E3E4C70372]
being a pybro is always serious business.
Thanked by: puggsoy
Needs more phlog
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
Thanked by: Sonikku

just crafted this thing and i already have a dirty one lol

Bradley Cockbill : ok this guy with the face as a gamer tag is the most annoying fucking hacker i ver evre seen
Bradley Cockbill : dont mod you piece of shit
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) : i am clearly a hacker
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) : clearly
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New update everyone!

From now on hats or miscs bought from the Mann Co Store are craftable. However, they're all atleast $5
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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It's actually kind of hilarious to see everyone lose their shit about this update. Craftable hats are going to lose value while dirty hats are now collector's items (provided Valve leaves them alone, though watch as they convert them all to craftable items). People are also predicting how buds and other insanely expensive TF2 items will get devalued due to this update.

Like I said, it's actually going to end up being a massive shitstorm for the next few days / weeks while people are trying to figure out how they should value their items. If you have any dream clean hats you've always wanted, I'd suggest you start shopping for them now~

the Saxxy's are on the way to happening. We got a Chippendale all-class misc item, along with some exclusive items for people who have participated in the Saxxy's. I've been watching some of the stuff, and everything I've seen is pretty fantastic (there was a Drama one with the Engineer and his Sentry that was both good and depressing), and there was only like four entries for the "Custom Universe" one. We have a few days before they unveil the winners!

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I wouldn't see how craftable hats would lose their value, except some of the expensive/rare clean ones (Merc Scarf, soccer cleats, etc)

None of the hats are under $5. That's about 3 keys or so. Most craft hats go for 1.33 ref anyways. It wouldn't be very cost effective to try and flood the market with Mann Co brand craft hats, seeing as how they'd be three or four times the price. I'm sure a good number of craft hats will enter the market, but not enough to hurt the price by much, if any at all.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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(11-29-2012, 11:17 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: People are also predicting how buds and other insanely expensive TF2 items will get devalued due to this update.

i really think buds, keys, and metal are The Things that are a solid thing mostly; if anything it'll fuck up the normal hat economy

if buds drop in price however, i'll totally buy some since i've been wanting to get some

[Image: 1iJHA.jpg]
in other news

i wear all the glasses
If you get a liquidators lid and put it on your sniper, you'd have four glasses then.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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About the hats, that's pretty interesting. Still, I don't think the clean hat price will drop too far. They'll be a bit more common, but they still cost money, so they won't be popping up everywhere. Anybody smart would be better off buying keys, especially in terms of trading.

Coincidentally enough I picked up my first ever drop hat yesterday. Not anything too awesome (a Janissary Ketche), but still probably the best thing I got through a random drop.

(11-30-2012, 12:09 AM)[robo9•2] Wrote: If you get a liquidators lid and put it on your sniper, you'd have four glasses then.

I think he's got one, since he traded me a spare a while ago. I wanna see it, give us a screenshot!
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nah, i crafted the liquidators lid i had a bit ago (got soldier's stogie so sure why not)

in other news: got this for 20 keys lol

if i get an s. machina, s. kritzkrieg, and s. gunslinger i'll have every salvaged weapon; although i kinda hate those specific weapons so i probably won't bother, at least until they either go down in price or appear elsewhere for cheap
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I could understand the machina and gunslinger, but what's wrong with the kritz?
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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personally i have never liked using or having the kritz used on me; having 100% critical hits is kinda worthless if there is always that one pyro, that one spy, or that one anything that slips by and kills you

basically, you always have to be aware of your surroundings as any class, but if you are a medic with ubercharge ready to be deployed its more risky; with the medigun if you get hurt you can just activate uber and uber someone to help take care of the enemy in the meantime or use the uber to go to get health packs - with the kritzkrieg its kinda you're 100% vulnerable 100% of the time; it doesn't give YOU crits when deployed so its useless if you need to defend yourself while escaping
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