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Official Team Fortress 2012 Lounge
just ended up headshotting 4 invisible spies aiming at completely different targets, called out for aimbotting

i am honestly more shocked because of the odds of this happening is just wat
Thanked by: puggsoy, alexmach1, Kitsu

so basically these hats will stop selling and dropping, so if you like them at all you should probably get them
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The only hat I ever somewhat liked from the original 9 was the Demo 'Fro, and honestly I prefer my Reggaelator over that.

Oh well, people are losing their shit about this, hats will go up on the market in a few days, nothing will change~

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...Why? What's the point of doing so besides breaking the economy even more?
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those hats really aren't anything special and don't have much over the stock hats, so frankly i can only see them going up a couple refined at max when they stop being obtainable
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It's stupid and unnecessary. Those hats are a huge part of TF2's history and quite frankly I love the Batter's Helmet, Mining Light, and the Fancy Fedora. I already own the one I really care about, so it doesn't effect me, but it's just a stupid thing to do regardless.
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no one was truly caring about these hats in the last forever
some people liked them, but they weren't the top hats of all time, all shoved away with newer hats since there really were better hats
even the stash, which was shoved under by the Tyrant's helm

they were cheap craft fodder and there are still a million dirty ones from all the mann co bundles
the vintages ones also haven't gone anywhere

with unusuals, the fro and fedora were moderately popular but not anywhere near close to the most popular or even expensive

the only real shame is the soldiers stash is already expensive as an unusual, but there's still tons of other soldier hats, almost all coincidentally pretty expensive
[Image: FmY9K.jpg]

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I agree with Keychain that this is looks like a stupid idea, but I think Valve probably has a good reason (if even just for themselves). Maybe they don't want too many hats, especially ones people don't buy anymore, available in-game for one reason or another I dunno.

Being a person with only a couple of hats, this is annoying for me since I don't have a chance of getting them in a drop anymore (I don't really buy hats so exclusion from the store doesn't bother me much). Also trading them will probably be a hassle since they'll practically become Vintages.

But like most people here I agree there are better hats out there. I mean these are pretty cool, no doubt, but in the end the best thing about owning one would be because of this.
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(01-11-2013, 01:07 PM)puggsoy Wrote: but I think Valve probably has a good reason

[Image: FmY9K.jpg]

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I'm sure they'll hit a couple refined max [/color]and not the 3 keys it would cost to buy from the store
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
Thanked by: puggsoy
honestly, its going to be like the ellis' cap: there are just so many of them in circulation their price won't rise much, if at all due to being both in large quantity and being not exactly impressive in appearance

anyone who didn't already have the 9 hats probably won't want them even once they stop being obtainable because, really, none of them are all too impressive
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I'm beginning to think that Valve's doing a really extensive study on microeconomies and how controlled perturbations affect them as a whole.

I mean, think about it: you could do similar studies in reality, but then real people would get hurt by it. If you do it in a virtual model (like the one instated by TF2), you can fuck with it all you want to see how values fluctuate. Which would actually be a very cool study.

Thanked by: Sonikku, puggsoy, Zadaben

this server is amazing

i'm on it fairly often so if you're interested the ip address is
also worth mentioning is that if you have the huntsman equipped and you do the kill taunt while the arrow is on fire, it plays a weird firey sound effect that people say sound like almost robotic/monstrous
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Speaking of 10x servers, the VSH server I play on all the time opened a Vs. Saxton Hale Times Ten server.

This is the wackiest combination.

Thanked by: Sonikku, puggsoy
i want to see a randomizer (randomized weapons) + 10x server to see the utter madness that goes on
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