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so i come home
I've never seen what what in the butt so-

oh damn rhymey just showed it to me
what the fuck
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(01-31-2010, 10:51 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: if we legalize all drugs might as well legalize all weapons while you're at it.

you know, because people really understand the risk behind these two.

except uh
drugs affect YOUR body

weapons affect OTHER PEOPLE

unless you're just planning on shooting yourself

which might be advisable
Thanked by: Vipershark, PrettyNier, Rhyme
how many kids have died or are permanently incapacitated when they just find the gun his dad had.
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did you just miss zeemort's post or something
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So this thread first was about smoking then sex and now bad jokes, congrats guys!
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(02-01-2010, 11:02 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: how many kids have died or are permanently incapacitated when they just find the gun his dad had.

I had a good friend die becuase some dude was messing with his dads gun at a party and it went off in her face.

And actually, since marijuana is a natural drug, it does no/little damage unless it's not pure. Same goes with PURE tobacco. Nowadays it fucks people up with it's 599 additives. It's the nicotine (I think) added to it that causes the addiction.

And VS, tell me you didn't make an incest joke because she's in MO. PleAse have it be a different reason
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(02-01-2010, 11:57 PM)Paper Jam Boy Wrote:
(02-01-2010, 11:02 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: how many kids have died or are permanently incapacitated when they just find the gun his dad had.

I had a good friend die becuase some dude was messing with his dads gun at a party and it went off in her face.

And actually, since marijuana is a natural drug, it does no/little damage unless it's not pure. Same goes with PURE tobacco. Nowadays it fucks people up with it's 599 additives. It's the nicotine (I think) added to it that causes the addiction.

And VS, tell me you didn't make an incest joke because she's in MO. PleAse have it be a different reason

'Why is marijuana considered bad for you?

Because of the serious physical and psychological effects associated with its use, Despite the fact that it is widely available, and even “accepted” in some families and communities, marijuana remains a legally restricted harmful drug. It’s main ingredient is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), a mind-altering chemical. Marijuana produced today has a level of THC that is up to 25 times higher than the type sold in the 1960s. And depending on how it is “cut”, it can contain hundreds of other harmful chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Biologically, marijuana affects the brain, heart, lungs, sexual organs, and depresses the immune system. The effects on the brain include distortion of the senses, confused judgment, and decreased motor skills. Operating machinery and motor vehicles becomes dangerous. Effects on the heart include rapid heart rate and high blood pressure. Respiratory problems include pharyngitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis. Marijuana has been associated with lung, head, and neck cancers. It reduces the T-cells in the immune system that are needed to fight off infections. In pre-teens, marijuana use can retard physical growth and slow down development. High dose marijuana use can cause decreased fertility, breast enlargement in males, and breast milk production.

Usually marijuana in inhaled (smoking a “joint”) for it’s psychological effects. Within the first few minutes, it produces a sense of heightened well being and relaxation. Now that sounds good. But with continued use, the mental effects include short-term memory loss, shortened attention span, impaired learning, social withdrawal, and decreased motivation. Anxiety attacks, panic reactions, delirium, and hallucinations can occur. So pediatricians are very concerned about the harmful effects of marijuana and we do not support its use or legalization. "

I don't understand what pure or not pure is, but basically most drugs are just have bad effects to you mentally or non mentally.
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(02-01-2010, 11:57 PM)Paper Jam Boy Wrote: And VS, tell me you didn't make an incest joke because she's in MO. PleAse have it be a different reason

i was making the incest joke because she said she gave older guys blowjobs
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(02-02-2010, 12:09 AM)Flame Wrote: Operating motor vehicles becomes dangerous.

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Thanked by: [robo9]
incest rocks
its the best
put your sister
to the test
then put one hand
on her chest

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you would know, rhymey
you have a sister
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she has a hitlerstache

i might be homeschooled (and probably desperate because of it) but even i have standards sir

e: i also think its from rozen maiden idk
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Flame I really would like to see the source you recieved that from.

The article has several errors, such as well marijuana doesn't cause hallucinations, as the drug is a relaxer, and while yes it doubles the risk of car crashes, it's nowhere near how drunkness increases it by 6 times.
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or texting while driving which increases it like 100 or 1000 times
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I like how pretty much everything flame listed are also problems caused by cigarettes except cigs have naturally addictive properties and are also ten times fucking worse what is his point here jesus
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