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Hexen Characters
Well, I decided to get around to ripping the characters out of Hexen. I know that TSR already has Hexen sheets up but the ones that I saw had lots of sprites missing from them, so hopefully these will be more useful!

Click here for the zip containing everything I ripped, or alternatively view them all in this thread!

Rips (in alphabetical order this time):

[Image: hexenafriticon.png] [Image: hexenbaratusicon.png] [Image: hexenbrownchaosserpenti.png]
[Image: hexencentauricon.png] [Image: hexendaedolonicon.png] [Image: hexendarkbishopicon.png]
[Image: hexendeathwyvernicon.png] [Image: hexenettinicon.png] [Image: hexengreenchaosserpenti.png]
[Image: hexenheresiarchicon.png] [Image: hexenkoraxicon.png] [Image: hexenmaulotauricon.png]
[Image: hexenmenelkiricon.png] [Image: hexenpariasicon.png] [Image: hexenreivericon.png]
[Image: hexenspiriticon.png] [Image: hexenstalkericon.png] [Image: hexentraductusicon.png]
[Image: hexenwendigoicon.png]

And, of course:

[Image: pigicon.png]

This is actually my third time authoring this thread due to browser crashes (darn you Firefox!!!), but that's really neither here nor there.

Hexen has some of my favorite sprites. They're the perfect amount of dark, where they look gothic but not hideously ugly. Also I love the look of Korax and the Heresiarch.

I've seen other sites that had rips of Hexen before, and I think I may be the first person who actually took the time to swap the palette to make Parias and Daedolon, which I find surprising to me. It's not like it was hard to do... but oh well.

I hope you guys have enjoyed my rips so far. I've got a list of games that I want to go through, so expect to see some more good stuff in the future. Right now I'm working on extracting Quake 2 textures and I might see to the first Action Doom and maybe a bit of System Shock. See you all then Big Grin

Dunkelschwamm out.
Thanked by: Ultimecia, Maxim, TomGuycott
This is...Awesome
As a FPS fan I must say you're simply owning
Please keep it up!
[Image: Love.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Great work !
Rip on, dude !
[Image: E3DU8rS.png]
♥ ♥ ♥ LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥
Omega ; Phant Mmkay ; Baegal ; Gorsal ; Drakocat ; Chaoxys ; TomGuyCott ; Chris2balls ; Mighty Jetters ; Blueblur97 ; NICKtendo DS ;
Kachua (Secret Santa) ; and some more that i need to locate, save and link onto here
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This is freakin' awesome! Hexen is one of my all time favourite Games, though i am wondering why they called the Dark Servant a "Maulotaurus"...
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Well the Dark Servant is a Maulotaur from Heretic, only fighting on the player's side. This does raise an interesting point, though, as the Maulotaur I posted here is a copy of the Maulotaur rip I did for Heretic (their sprites are identical, though there are no death animations for it in Hexen, so it has a little extra fat that I forgot to cut off, my bad!). I really didn't feel like reripping or editing the sprite sheet for an enemy that's almost completely identical to the sheet I already ripped :p . That is a good catch though, thanks for bringing it up and I'm glad that you're all enjoying my sprites! It's why I do it Big Grin
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