Yesteryear: "Oh man, I wonder what awesome game is coming out next?! I don't care what system is on I just want to enjoy it!"
Post 2k: "Oh man! Playstation is awesome, but Dreamcast let's your burn games WITHOUT a Mod Chip, I love both of my systems, I can't wait for Sonic Adventure 3! Final Fantasy 10 and Conker's Bad Fur Day 2!"
Early 2K: "SEGA what the fuck? How you just gonna duck out like a little bitch! You were doing well people loved the Dreamcast! FUCK the X-SUX! Sony and Nintendo Strictly no and forever! Hey...what's a Raahg-a-rock...? Why is it online...? Oh Anime I love Anime! Talesweaver!? Oh man I love Talesweaver best game ever!"
Now: "Sigh, I wish the good games weren't so far and in between...Oh well, PSP and DS pick up the slack when the home consoles are lackinnnggg. Steam on Mac?! MMO'S!? KOREA!?!?!?"
Hmmm, feels like gaming has changed for me. Before it use to be about just getting A game and playing it to death now there are so many games I'm still trying to beat. I don't think I would ever invest in a X-box mostly because I don't see it as a real investment. Every time I turn it on I have fear of it breaking on me? I know you can ship it off and whatever, but honestly that doesn't make me less afraid, plus I pay for internet in my house tacking on that extra 15-30$ a year isn't helping Microsoft's cause. Since the PS3 is so affordable now, I see very little reason as not picking it up opposed to the X-box 360.
Nintendo - Well yes they are assholes, yes they've turned their backs on gamers who literally got them to where they are today, BUT I nominate the Wii AND DS for the homebrew and flashing gear. Nothing says it doesn't really matter than not having to pay and Nintendo being the money makers they are off System sales and not game sales it kinda evens out. When I get good games for either system but still get copies I make it a point to support, and the novelty of paying for a game I really and truly enjoy. I'm not saying your sticking it to Nintendo quite the opposite, I'm saying support what you can when you can. Level-5's Inazuma Eleven should be out this year more than most year's (Fifa, go England). It isn't though, which blows but that's alright! There are lots of good games.
Anyway that's some of my thoughts, and opinions if there's something you don't quite get, or see errors in feel free to discuss and I'll try to be clearer. Hey, if you want to post some of your thoughts and feels about Gaming feel free guys! Happy Posting!
You may also know me as Giraffe
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(06-09-2010, 03:56 PM)Djanjo Wrote: Level-5's Inazuma Eleven should be out this year more than most year's (Fifa, go England). It isn't though, which blows but that's alright! There are lots of good games. this is the best ds game ever and i have a good 64 hours on the second game so far and i play it every night and im not ashamed u__u
it IS confirmed to release worldwide this year. the anime is airing in both spanish and english now and the game is likely to release later this year as the anime gets more popular. level-5 is also confirmed to be opening offices in both america and europe this year, meaning they can start developing games worldwide, meaning inazuma eleven and danbol senki wil be releasing in english much sooner.  c
also england is going dooooown
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(06-09-2010, 04:17 PM)Burn Wrote: (06-09-2010, 03:56 PM)Djanjo Wrote: Level-5's Inazuma Eleven should be out this year more than most year's (Fifa, go England). It isn't though, which blows but that's alright! There are lots of good games. this is the best ds game ever and i have a good 64 hours on the second game so far and i play it every night and im not ashamed u__u
it IS confirmed to release worldwide this year. the anime is airing in both spanish and english now and the game is likely to release later this year as the anime gets more popular. level-5 is also confirmed to be opening offices in both america and europe this year, meaning they can start developing games worldwide, meaning inazuma eleven and danbol senki wil be releasing in english much sooner. c
also england is going dooooown
And I'm sure you've both heard about the collaboration between Level-5 and Studio Ghibli.
(06-09-2010, 04:21 PM)TheProtalGruru Wrote: (06-09-2010, 04:17 PM)Burn Wrote: (06-09-2010, 03:56 PM)Djanjo Wrote: Level-5's Inazuma Eleven should be out this year more than most year's (Fifa, go England). It isn't though, which blows but that's alright! There are lots of good games. this is the best ds game ever and i have a good 64 hours on the second game so far and i play it every night and im not ashamed u__u
it IS confirmed to release worldwide this year. the anime is airing in both spanish and english now and the game is likely to release later this year as the anime gets more popular. level-5 is also confirmed to be opening offices in both america and europe this year, meaning they can start developing games worldwide, meaning inazuma eleven and danbol senki wil be releasing in english much sooner. c
also england is going dooooown
And I'm sure you've both heard about the collaboration between Level-5 and Studio Ghibli.
This game deserves a 5 thanked from me.
/_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち) ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
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i just miss REAL FANTASY games, the games you would play and almost bring you to tears because of how beautiful they were. more lands like ivalice and FFIX. no more sci-fi fantasy games please, no more cliche wrpgs. when i play a game i want it to be good enough to make me WANT to live in that world, somewhere better than this world somewhere that can invoke my imagination without having to say "oh, this is the part where your imagination kicks in!!"
i want to see more games with races other than humans, and those races arent just anthropomorphous or ancient magical beings of infinate wisdom or grungy mutants. i want to sea beautiful lush environments and forests that arent empty or lacking with flora and fauna i could never even imagine. im tired of every rpg trying to get more edgy or add/mix up a formula that was fine anyway. stop creating new watered down battle systems that focus on reflexes/perception/manual dexterity/luck or other things that arent inherent in all people. i miss turn based systems because it wasnt about the action or being able to hit the buttons at just the right time, it was about tactics and figuring out the best way to use your skills etc etc (this is why i love the fuck out of MMOs btw, specifically FFXI). most RPGs now are genre crossover RPGs. like RPG-shooters, RPG-platformers, and so on.
just go back to making pure, beautiful, imaginative turn based RPGs PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. those are the only games i miss. i literally almost cried watching that level 5 trailer above because of how beautiful it looked and how much creativity and imagination it had. it brought me back to the way my childhood used to be, where everything was an adventure not a chore. this is how every game should be.
i wish i could make RPGs i would do this V_________V
Games are either too easy or too cookie-cutter nowadays. Indie gaming is pretty much taking the place of what mainstream gaming used to do. Mainstream western developers are stuck on FPSs and generic RPGs, and it seems like even Jap designers are starting to lose some of the originality they had, whereas indie games are more focused on variety and coming up with fun ideas-- which is what gaming used to be about.
As graphics in consoles improve, developers seem to lose focus on the gameplay and only focus on making the best graphics possible, sacrificing gameplay in return. This is one of the reasons why FPSs nowadays are so fucking dry and unimaginative. For every FPS gem released in a year, there's about 50 million generic and lame FPS games released. Games are also becoming a lot more linear nowadays. Whatever happened to exploration? Even RPGs seem to have forgotten that.
And then we have idiot developers that stick to one idea and milk it as much as possible, like Sonic or MK, which leads to a cycle of terrible sequel after terrible sequel after terrible sequel. Rather than just say "this is dead" and let the dog die, they feel the need to keep trying to revive their old product without looking back and trying to figure out what went wrong that killed their product in the first place.
As consoles become more and more supportive of indie development, I have a feeling that this current "feeling" of mainstream gaming will slowly fade out of the world.
As Djanjo said, I have 7 games I still need to beat, the only one out of my 9 for the 360 being Borderlands, and CODMW2.
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I learn to embrace the different generations of gaming as they go by. It's really that simple.
Fighting games are making a comeback? Cool. I'll have to try some.
FPSs are the norm now? Not my thing really, but alright.
Everyone thinks one franchise is going down the crapper? I dunno, I played one of their newer games, and I liked it.
When it comes to me, the main thing that I look for is how fun a game can be. A game could have a bad story or sloppy controls or an absurd difficulty, but it's really boils down to how much fun I have with the game that makes me want to go back and play it more.
I agree Daroach as the times move you must move with them. I just wish some of the fun you saw in making the games as much as playing them were still there. Honestly, I know I must sound like a fucking fog horn by now but Final Fantasy Tactics, there was something REALLY there. Then they had to turn a deep moving rot infested cynical but lush wonderful filled with places left to be explored go to waste. Honestly Squarenix sometimes there's moving on and just trying to please people, next time just move on. Advanced and A2 are not good sequels. I'm not knocking at the attempt but a game like tactics you don't DS(Serious puns here).
Speaking of Enix.
Wow, just wow, it takes you 20 odd years to realize Akira Toriayama is backing you and that people still like fantas and over-the-top DBZ-esque action?
Imagination is one thing everything else before this ain't. That's not to say Dragon Quest games aren't classic, but seriously 8 for a lot of people for a lot of reasons was when the series started to take a serious turn point. In the best direction ever.
Capcom, keep up the good job. There, I said it. A new DMC at this point announcement wouldn't hurt. You've guys have been good to the public lately though. I am happy. Megaman Zero Collection was the best idea ever. Not to mention all the great sequels, awesome swag, sweet deals, promotions your only flop lately was you ever signing Legend of Chun-Li. Give that Street Fighter Legacy, Mortal Kombat kid give it a shot next time.
Take 2, Rockstar? Fucking Red Dead Redemption.
Vanillaware, where is the next Oodin Sphere/Masamune game/new IP?
Level-5 Keep up the good work, I didn't know you were getting my e-mails but people have been telling me awesome shit is on the way.
Bandai Namco, Where's my English PS3 Tales of Vespiria? Honestly now, NOT releasing it in the US? What? Are the dorks at Microsoft holding guns to your heads or something? That said, keep up the good work, there are things on the way I'm sure.
Steam Cloud: Team Fortress 2 on my Mac before September plz. Don't do this to me.
Gamefreak, Pulseman reboot, do it like Rocket Knight Adventures except 100X better(decent re-hash I'll buy it and play when I have time and money.)
Rare: Where do I start and when should I stop?
Treasure: Your probably in the shadows lurking the nets, if someone's passing by, some new IP's as DLG's for my PS3 or Wii would be awesome. P.S Mischief makers still isn't on VC what gives?
Kona-Know what? Hideo Kojima, stop dicking around with Metal Gears, and just make Z.O.E 3 already. God knows how hard your dick is to make the game. I can see it in your Art Directors sketchbooks I can see it in the way you pan on Mechs in your games. Dude fuck, I want it, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would kill for it, just do it. Or even revamp the original 2 games those are selling too. 2nd Runner is impossible to find in a store anymore. How can I find black labels of the original and not the sequel.
*Leans back and waits for the reverberation.*
You may also know me as Giraffe
what a weird topic...and first post o_O
it's very unusual, because unlike movies video games are rather niche if anything. even weirder - three companies have two completely different ideas about gaming which are starting to come together.
Back in the late 80's, you were probably a child and played videogames. A grown up at this time playing these games is unacceptable. As we grew, our games did too, and we saw an evolution in gaming - however, it should be noted that gaming didn't really make such incredible leaps and bounds as it did then as it does now - which leads me to my point but let me revisit the current one. NES -> SNES didn't bring a lot to the table in terms of gameplay since there was still very linear design concepts when it came to designing a game that sells. Better graphics? OK. Gameplay? Improved, due to better processors and cheaper save batteries. Creativity? Very rigid - cartridges could only fit so much data on them within a developer's production limits (buying X sized cart).
...which brings another interesting point - cart-based games are much more expensive to mass produce than a DVD-based game, so Nintendo had much harsher quality assurance and much MUCH fewer bad games slipped under the radar. The gaming industry was also pretty specialized and at the times very few people had the knowledge to develop and program for games. Smaller production teams as well.
I wanna say though
(06-10-2010, 11:41 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: As consoles become more and more supportive of indie development, I have a feeling that this current "feeling" of mainstream gaming will slowly fade out of the world. However, after "video game development" was what everyone wanted to do as a kid that's when gaming took a big decline. Too often, especially now there are enormous amounts of people who are eager to develop videogames and what education was formerly reserved to one college (Digipen) became information that could be learned in almost every college across the country. EVERYONE wanted to be a game designer but now the field is oversaturated. Console gaming companies took a hint from PC games and probably made the worst decision ever in gaming IMO - distribute games online. With that oversaturated field of employment means a lot of little indie studios working on games for WiiWare, PSN etc. but unfortunately on a lower budget and less user input we're getting games with lower QA control.
It's nice to have indie developers, but when your games are terrible due to corporate hounds on your case causing your overall product to suffer - that's indie development selling out.
With more corporate hounds on the butts of indie gaming, that means many companies have basically lowered their standards to turn money faster...and somehow, Nintendo's really at fault for this. Have you seen the available Wii titles at your local Gamestop?
Which brings me back to cart-based gaming - with electronic and disc-based means of game distribution the costs of doing so have lowered meaning QA isn't going to be as harsh. Why? Because those games that didn't pass QA before have one less thing to worry about when it's brought before Nintendo's QA board.
Worse off, Nintendo's really sold itself out thinking it's gonna go the way of Disney, being "all about games", going a little too out of its way to make games casual-friendly. Which...honestly, I'll admit it's nice but at the same time it's really annoying
I'd continue typing on but I feel like I've typed too much already and now I'm tired :/
distribution media of games -> lately lower-quality games. there's a good amount of games that are an exception here. mostly PC games
bleh my two cents that's call
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the thing I really miss the most is that imaginative games don't seem to be very common at all anymore, probably because high development cost is making companies take risks
I mean don't get me wrong, there's rare gems like NMH, God Hand, Shadow of the Colossus, etc. but it seems like these kinds of unique and original games are less common
the recent rise in indie gaming is kind of interesting though and that might take us good places
Well E3 has come and gone.
I'm looking forward to the following titles for 3DS: Warning the following may or may not actually happen, and can be interpreted as a fan wish list.
Mystical Ninja 3D! Starring: Goemon!
Goemons Great Adventure in 3D.
Zone of the Enders the 3D Runner
Earthbound Four 3D
Sonic the Hedgehog CD 3D Blast!
Sonic 3D and Knuckles
New Super Mario 3D World
Dragonball in 3D
Mischief Makers 3D
Bomber Man the 3D War
Megaman Legends 3-D
Disgaea Third Demonic Moon.
Tales of Dimensions
What I'm not looking forward to: Finding the money for a new X-box 360 Slim.
You may also know me as Giraffe
(06-30-2010, 09:32 PM)Djanjo Wrote: Well E3 has come and gone.
I'm looking forward to the following titles for 3DS: Warning the following may or may not actually happen, and can be interpreted as a fan wish list.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finding the money for a new X-box 360 Slim.
I sold my Old 360 and some games I don't play anymore, and I had enough for it.
(06-30-2010, 09:38 PM)Flannel_Bastard Wrote: (06-30-2010, 09:32 PM)Djanjo Wrote: Well E3 has come and gone.
I'm looking forward to the following titles for 3DS: Warning the following may or may not actually happen, and can be interpreted as a fan wish list.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finding the money for a new X-box 360 Slim.
I sold my Old 360 and some games I don't play anymore, and I had enough for it.
I don't have a 360 to sell....:sadface:
You may also know me as Giraffe
 oh, do you have a well paying job? now that I think about it I sold my old drumset and that helped pay for it..
Cause its so quiet now, can't even hear it, and I'm finally playing live. fun times.