I was online looking for Giratina origin forme PMD styled sprites when i saw this post on creating a dungeon. I got to thinking and came up with a few. Tell me what you think.
Floating Gardens
floors:25+14highlands+lookout point
Pkmn: Mostly the rosellia and turtwig lines, Deoxys mirages appear as well, Latias on highland floor 3
Items: Basic items and gummis. Lots of wonder gummis
Special items: fl15 Bouquet Broach (allows shaymin to walk on all surfaces w/o conciquence), flhighland10 Sky wing flower (item shows up on shaymin's team menu. allows for forme change)
Boss: Shaymin
Requirements: Have Griratina and Darkrai join. Unlock ability to have main characters evolve (recrute Palkia)
Tower of Origin
floors:49+mirror spire+24dimension shaft+Hall of Origin
Pkmn: Mirages of all legendarys, metagross, all starter final forms, Latios on dimension shaft 4
Items:Reviver seeds, Max Elixers, Wonder Gummis, Golden Apples, TMs and HMs (all sticky. See, it was too good to be true.)
Special Items: fl25 Origin Blade (boosts all stats of Arceus sevearly),shaft fl15 Elemental ring (accesed like sky wing flower on Arceus, allows user to switch Arceus's type manualy)
Boss: Mirrage of current team (mirror spire), Arceus (Hall of Origin)
Requirements: Recrute shaymin and Dialga (Palkia was required for last dungeon)
Restrictions: NO LEGENDARY POKEMON (eccept Latis, shaymin, manaphy, and phione)
Torn Isle
Floors:15+9Dimensional Rip+Ruined world Pillar
Pkmn: Only Magnazone and ghost types on first go, however after getting to the bottom and defeating the boss once, more appear.
Items: None on first go, basics on return trips.
Special Item: Ruined World Pillar Platinum shard (accesed like sky wing flower and elemental ring, allows user to change between Giratina's formes at will.) (defeat boss to obtain.)
Boss: Giratina shadow x 2(Ruined world Pillar, one in each forme)
Requirements: Recrute Dialga and Shaymin, get Shaymin's Sky wing flower.
Restrictions: Only Giratina and/or shaymin allowed on first go, and is in Origin Forme and Sky forme, respectively. On return trips, Any pokemon is allowed.
Terrain Issues: Verry Little Terain on first Visit, however return trips have much more.
Try your hand at it. It's fun. Just look at mine for an example.
I'd love it if you did. I don't want to feel like I'm the only one here who thinks about this stuff.
If you liked these, you should come up with your own. No contest, just for kicks.
Floating Gardens
floors:25+14highlands+lookout point
Pkmn: Mostly the rosellia and turtwig lines, Deoxys mirages appear as well, Latias on highland floor 3
Items: Basic items and gummis. Lots of wonder gummis
Special items: fl15 Bouquet Broach (allows shaymin to walk on all surfaces w/o conciquence), flhighland10 Sky wing flower (item shows up on shaymin's team menu. allows for forme change)
Boss: Shaymin
Requirements: Have Griratina and Darkrai join. Unlock ability to have main characters evolve (recrute Palkia)
Tower of Origin
floors:49+mirror spire+24dimension shaft+Hall of Origin
Pkmn: Mirages of all legendarys, metagross, all starter final forms, Latios on dimension shaft 4
Items:Reviver seeds, Max Elixers, Wonder Gummis, Golden Apples, TMs and HMs (all sticky. See, it was too good to be true.)
Special Items: fl25 Origin Blade (boosts all stats of Arceus sevearly),shaft fl15 Elemental ring (accesed like sky wing flower on Arceus, allows user to switch Arceus's type manualy)
Boss: Mirrage of current team (mirror spire), Arceus (Hall of Origin)
Requirements: Recrute shaymin and Dialga (Palkia was required for last dungeon)
Restrictions: NO LEGENDARY POKEMON (eccept Latis, shaymin, manaphy, and phione)
Torn Isle
Floors:15+9Dimensional Rip+Ruined world Pillar
Pkmn: Only Magnazone and ghost types on first go, however after getting to the bottom and defeating the boss once, more appear.
Items: None on first go, basics on return trips.
Special Item: Ruined World Pillar Platinum shard (accesed like sky wing flower and elemental ring, allows user to change between Giratina's formes at will.) (defeat boss to obtain.)
Boss: Giratina shadow x 2(Ruined world Pillar, one in each forme)
Requirements: Recrute Dialga and Shaymin, get Shaymin's Sky wing flower.
Restrictions: Only Giratina and/or shaymin allowed on first go, and is in Origin Forme and Sky forme, respectively. On return trips, Any pokemon is allowed.
Terrain Issues: Verry Little Terain on first Visit, however return trips have much more.
Try your hand at it. It's fun. Just look at mine for an example.
I'd love it if you did. I don't want to feel like I'm the only one here who thinks about this stuff.
If you liked these, you should come up with your own. No contest, just for kicks.