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[make a team!] ok help me out people
ok so, i'm still playing heart gold, cause i didn't play it that much. and i want some new members for my team, and i really don't care what or who they are as long if they have a maching type.

for each type, give me one pokémon ( double types are allowed )

like for example

ground: hippowdon
normal: clefable
poison: nidoking ( wich is also part ground, so it can fall under both )
etc etc etc

if you really wanna help me out, please share some cool movesheets for them. doesn't matter physical or special. wall or glass-canon

every generation is, well everything is welcome. all kinds of pokémons, legendaries even. all items too if your kind enough for that matter (:

if there's one you recomend me, but it's already on my list ( like all time favorites of me like porygon-z, 2, kingdra and registeel ) then no problem. i will just like you for having the same taste as me but ignore that for the rest of it.


i hope you boys and girl help me out with this one, give me some orginal ideas! thanks!
[Image: zzha.gif][Image: Sloth.jpg]
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I think he is normal type but Baltoy.

Also put Leftovers if you don't know what item you should use.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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(06-21-2010, 01:48 PM)Kat Wrote: I think he is normal type but Baltoy.

Also put Leftovers if you don't know what item you should use.

well im not gonna ignore this one, as you're the first to reply (:
baltoy is ground/psychic

and i'm already using a claydol in my team-it's evolution. also leftovers are nice but i want more tatics i mean come on
[Image: zzha.gif][Image: Sloth.jpg]
Thanked by: Maxpphire
poison: toxicroak
fighting: toxicroak

team complete
(06-21-2010, 01:54 PM)princaipal wailson Wrote: normal:
poison: toxicroak
fighting: toxicroak

team complete


cept for that, give me more ):
[Image: zzha.gif][Image: Sloth.jpg]
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(06-21-2010, 01:51 PM)darky dick Wrote:
(06-21-2010, 01:48 PM)Kat Wrote: I think he is normal type but Baltoy.

Also put Leftovers if you don't know what item you should use.

well im not gonna ignore this one, as you're the first to reply (:
baltoy is ground/psychic

and i'm already using a claydol in my team-it's evolution. also leftovers are nice but i want more tatics i mean come on

Yeah I meant Claydol. Heh.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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normal: Porygon2
grass: Exeggutor
fire: Magmortar
water: Poliwrath
electric: Magneton
psychic: Jynx
ice: Mamoswine
poison: Qwilfish
flying: Honchkrow
rock: idk
ground: Marowak
steel: Heatran
fighting: Hitmonlee
dark: Umbreon
ghost: Giratina
bug: Pinsir
dragon: Flygon
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Team 1

NormalUnsurelaking (high attack, but look out for his ability)
Grass: Pretty much any starter
Fire: Starters or Legends like Entei or Ho-oh
Water: Starter or Huntail
Electric: Luxray/Magnezone
Psychic: Alakazam is very strong
Flying: Dragonite is my recomendation
Ground: Nidoking/
Steel: Metagross / Steelix
Fighting: Lucario/ Infernape/ Blaziken
Dark: Tyranitar/ Weavile
Ghost: Gengar is very good, and so is Spiritomb, but remember that its stats are low despite it having no weaknesses
BugUnsurehuckle (dont laugh, its got the highest Defense and Sp. Defense in the whole game!)/ Vespiquen
Dragon: Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence/ legends

Team 2
Normal: Arceus
Grass: "
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(06-21-2010, 02:25 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: Shuckle (dont laugh, its got the highest Defense and Sp. Defense in the whole game!)
[Image: 130px-411Bastiodon.png]
sorry what can't hear you over your 10 attack/sp. attack

also lucario is fucking horrible and nobody should use him ever
Thanked by: Kairos
(06-21-2010, 02:25 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: Team 1

NormalUnsurelaking (high attack, but look out for his ability)
Grass: Pretty much any starter
Fire: Starters or Legends like Entei or Ho-oh
Water: Starter or Huntail
Electric: Luxray/Magnezone
Psychic: Alakazam is very strong
Flying: Dragonite is my recomendation
Ground: Nidoking/
Steel: Metagross / Steelix
Fighting: Lucario/ Infernape/ Blaziken
Dark: Tyranitar/ Weavile
Ghost: Gengar is very good, and so is Spiritomb, but remember that its stats are low despite it having no weaknesses
BugUnsurehuckle (dont laugh, its got the highest Defense and Sp. Defense in the whole game!)/ Vespiquen
Dragon: Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence/ legends

qwilfish is an awesome idea, i never really used the guy, i probably do that one!
porygon-z is my alakazam. in my opinion porygon-z stands above alakazam because of nasty plot

i had a weavile in diamond, but i got bored of it. i might retry to raise one again

also huntail, that's some really orginal stuff right there, that's probably one of the most forgotten and underated pokémons ever. i didn't even knew it excisted till generation 4 haha.

(06-21-2010, 02:49 PM)princaipal wailson Wrote:
(06-21-2010, 02:25 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: Shuckle (dont laugh, its got the highest Defense and Sp. Defense in the whole game!)
[Image: 130px-411Bastiodon.png]
sorry what can't hear you over your 10 attack/sp. attack

holy shit, bastiodon. i never ever ever used that one, this one seems like a nice choice
[Image: zzha.gif][Image: Sloth.jpg]
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(06-21-2010, 02:25 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: Team 1

NormalUnsurelaking (high attack, but look out for his ability)
Grass: Pretty much any starter
Fire: Starters or Legends like Entei or Ho-oh
Water: Starter or Huntail
Electric: Luxray/Magnezone
Psychic: Alakazam is very strong
Flying: Dragonite is my recomendation
Ground: Nidoking/
Steel: Metagross / Steelix
Fighting: Lucario/ Infernape/ Blaziken
Dark: Tyranitar/ Weavile
Ghost: Gengar is very good, and so is Spiritomb, but remember that its stats are low despite it having no weaknesses
BugUnsurehuckle (dont laugh, its got the highest Defense and Sp. Defense in the whole game!)/ Vespiquen
Dragon: Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence/ legends

Love how you neglected poison completely.

Also Half of those pokemon are just ugh.

Toxicroak is a great Pokemon to have on your team, he can do serious damage, and teaching him the move posion jab and bulk up is pretty much the best thing you can do ever.

Another good pokemon to have Jolteon, good speed and special attack, also can learn rain dance, which if you like the move Tunder, you can't miss that move during Rain.

One of my personal favorite Electric types is Ampharos, can learn a lot of different moves, though he won't get STAB for them. He's a slow electric type though.
Thanked by: triptych
So are we helping you with a team? I'm not sure I understand what's going on here.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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yeah he wants us to help him build a team
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My personal favourites to use in those respective types would be-

normal: Fuck Normal. But the Porygon line is solid.
grass: Sceptile. Does SubSeeding still work in Gen 4?
fire: Fuck Fire. I hate this type so bad. I'm not even going to suggest one.
water: Milotic. Bitchin' Special Defense. You could use Suicune too, I guess.
electric: Magneton. Most folks use 'Zone, but I like the higher speed over the higher def.
psychic: Bronzong. The Tank That Ruins Everyone's Day. Then you Explode.
ice: REGICE. I like Tanks, but this one's my favourite. Shame about that Fighting weak, though.
poison: Hm... My favourite Poison type is Venomoth, but you'd be a fool to use it in combat. Toxicroak, I guess, though I have no real love for it.
flying: Flying kinda sucks as a type, but Staraptor is killer. Close Combat and Brave Bird wreck people's shit. All day, erry day.
rock: Fuck Rock. Lunatone's my fav, but it's pretty bad. Relicanth does scary damage if you try.
ground: Flygon. Fuck the Garchomp crowd, 3rd Generation represent!
steel: I do like Lucario, way before he became a furry icon. Very versatile and a hard hitter to boot. Watch out for Earthquake.
fighting: Fighting types suck. Gallade is the only one i really like (Lucario notwithstanding). Good thing He's fucking awesome.
dark: Spiritomb. I like Sableye more, but Spiritomb has better moves and stats, sadly. No Weak!
ghost: Rotom! Best Ghost out there; has levitate, has alt. forms, has my heart. Heart
bug: If I was practical and boring I would say wither Heracross or Scisor. But fuck practicality! Vespiquen is unique and fun to use~
dragon: Fuck Dragon. I don't hate this type quite as much as fire, but I still dislike it heavily. If I was forced to choose, Dragonair. Or Kingdra.
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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Normal: Snorlax, Porygon-Z, Zangoose
Grass: Sceptile, Torterra, Roserade
Fire: Charizard (Psych 'em out by not using Bellyzard), Typhlosion, Probably the only two fire types I'd look into...Possibly Flareon as well
Water: There's just so many to choose from: Swampert, Omastar, Kabutops, Suicune, Starmie, Lapras, Milotic, Gyarados, Vaporeon, etc...
Electric: Magneton/zone, Ampharos, Jolteon...Raichu's a Personal favorite, but it's relatively low defense isn't ideal
Psychic: Gallade, Gardevoir, Azelf, Uxie, really, most Psychic Legendaries would work, Bronzong, Slowbro/King...Even Espeon could work...
Ice: Lapras, Weavile, Glaceon, Mamoswine & Frosslass...I want more Pokemon from this type
Poison: I've always been on the Fence with this type, but it always comes back to two Pokemon for me: Nidoking & Roserade...Obviously there's Gengar but for some reason, I always end up forgetting that it's line is half Poison
Flying: Togekiss, Seriously, I love this thing, as well as Lugia
Rock: Rampardos, Aerodactyl, Omastar, Kabutops...And the other two Fossils who's names escape me...And I'd hate myself if I forgot Rhyperior and Tyranitar
Ground: Marowak, Donphan, Steelix, Flygon, Garchomp, & Gliscor
Steel: Scizor (although the 4x Fire Weakness is crippling), Steelix, Aggron, Metagross, and yes, Even Lucario
Fighting: Gallade's really one of my favorites, but I've seen Pokemon like Hitmontop or Primeape Dominate...I'd also suggest Breloom
Dark: Being Practical, I'd probably suggest Weavile or Honchkrow, but every fiber of my being is saying Absol & Sharpedo
Ghost: Rotom, Gengar, Mismagius Drifblim, Dusknoir...I love these Pokemon, and I really wish the Ghost type had more Pokemon
Bug: Heracross & Scizor are fan favorites (as well as some of my favorites) but I want to just throw Yanmega out there
Dragon: Aside from Charizard being my favorite Pokemon (and not being part Dragon...) I have to say, I don't like many of the Dragons...But I do love Dragonite, Kingdra, & Flygon...Latios is growing on me, mostly because I like his colors

...But yeah, those are my personal picks...Since I alternate Teams all the time, I got to try out quite a few of these
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
Thanked by: Neslug

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