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Problems with the Request Board: and what we can do about it
Well I admit I didn't quite notice the flaws with the Sprite Request board until a few days ago. I just ignored it. But this isn't about me. This is about improving the request board.

There's been a lot of complaints about members and their requests. Obviously there's lots of issues and I think it would be smart to discuss them here.

I'm opening the table you all can start the discussion without my insight, however I will join in shortly.


Just a warning in case you forgot, I'm a very sympathetic person. So yeah.

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The problem is, people will ignore whatever you try to do to put some order there, as for what I've seen, most of requesters who use that board are people with a monster-sized self entitlement sense and the only thing inside their heads is a tiny voice that says "ME,ME,ME,ME,ME" like a scratched record.

I would like to help, but people like them keep reminding me why nobody wants to take requests.
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That's kind of why I think perhaps a new rule should be made that only one character/object be the focus at a time.

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Metaru did a guide of sorts but I guess no one reads it. Sometimes I think newcomers don't have common sense anymore. Or can't READ simple thing like rules, instructions, help or anything.
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Perhaps your rule should also ban any requests that involve asking for full spritesheets, period.
Rulebreakers would get their threads locked on sight and a pre-made message explaining WHY should be sent to them to cut their complains from the root, while also warning them that doing it again will get them I don't know, warned or something.

The main problem, beside of the stick stuck up of the requester's asses is the way as so many people imagines that this place is full to the brim with awesome spriters who are dying for the chance to work for an ungrateful stranger, and for free to boot.
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We can't ban them for being assholes (I think) but get enough warns and they might get in trouble. There's always rule #2 ("Don't just randomly flame other members, and be mean for no real reason or randomly accuse members of sprite theft and the like without evidence or a VERY good reason to do so.") and #6 ("Don't just request for Sprites - If there is anything that Tony the Tiger ever taught me, it's that you have to earn your stripes. If you want someone to help you, help them first. Scratch a back to receive the same back. But don't expect a request to be fulfilled just because of what you've done for people before. You are never in charge of what people make or rip, no matter the case. You can try to request in the Requests Forum, but there's no guarantee the request will be fulfilled.") to be reinforced.
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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I thought the requests forum was made to keep sprite discussion from being cluttered by requests?
As long as the request forum sucks instead of sprite discussion, I don't see a problem
Thanked by: Gold
(07-14-2010, 08:58 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: Metaru did a guide of sorts but I guess no one reads it. Sometimes I think newcomers don't have common sense anymore. Or can't READ simple thing like rules, instructions, help or anything.

Well the problem I see is that it is somewhat flawed. The whole "you can still give it a shot" thing implies that you are allowed to make big requests.

Also I hate the idea of bribing offering money being mentioned in there. Do you really think someone is going to pay someone? Even if they claim they will offer money, they may be lying after all.

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I'm also not very happy with the money idea. I mean, sure I love money, but for that we could have jobs offers or something. If you're requesting, it feels more like a 'mercenary job' from some random RPG: "I posted a request at the billboard, you go and kill the mark so I can reward you". I think for BIG sheets it could be a good idea, but paying for a single sprite is too much
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Honestly, I love the idea of asking money in exchange for taking requests, because it works as a great filter against abusive requests and makes people realize they just cannot expect to pop out from nowhere and get awesome things in exchange of nothing.
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I found this because I clicked the wrong spot on the page, but I decided to give my two cents anyways.

I'm sure you do love the idea of money in exchange for sprites, but I'm sure a lot of people here are short on cash or don't think that sprites are worth paying money for. I do think that helping other people in exchange is a good idea, but I don't know what they want help with. And for me at least, it's not going to be sprite related. I can't sprite at all. Which is why I use the request board. I just think just saying "I can help you with something in exchange" sounds a tad desperate. As long as the spriters know that they can ask for something in exchange and as long as people politely decline, then it will all be fine.

I agree for the most part on the one character/object at a time thing, but I think it should be allowed if people (like me for example) are trying to fit several requests in one thread that are related to keep everything from being a mess. I think a list with slots and the characters being crossed out as people go would be organized.
Taurine tastes good.
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No offense, but people who are "short on cash" should turn off their computers and go outside to get a JOB instead of wasting their time browsing message boards or playing with sprites.
It's all a matter of getting your priorities straight as they say, "Time is money"
That and another thing is that you came on so strong with what you wanted, you wanted us to help out in something we truly wanted no part in.

You have to understand that spriting is an artform of sorts. People have to create those sprites for you to use. Most people don't give away art for free, If you haven't noticed people do art trades or commissions a lot of the time.

That and Ripping sprites takes work. A lot of it isn't that easy and can be as hard as dealing with a tough customer while working at a grocery store.

Which is why we normally ask for money for our work in the first place unless it is something super duper simple.

Like Rule 6 says, You can't expect us to give you whatever you want at your request for nothing in return. Credit is basically nothing other then saying "They helped" which honestly isn't enough. You can thanks us in other ways then money (Like Steam games that we would want or something like that) but most likely whatever you give us is gonna have to do with money and it would probably just be easier to give us money in the first place.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Maneko, Ultimecia

i THINK i remember whoever actually implemented the request board saying it was put in purely so we didnt have to see the requests on other parts of the forum

literally no one gives a shit about requests
Thanked by: Phantom Killah, Gold
I'm going to post here what I said at another thread:
Maybe the request forums should be divided into two:
- Requests : Small stuff, like 4 posing sprites, tops. "Simple" ripping (open to discussion). One request at time. No $ involved
- Jobs : Bigger stuff, like fully-animated characters, multiple requests. $$$$

And maybe we mods should start to be a little more ... Well, to warn more both idiots who don't read the rules and start causing trouble AND veteran members who trolls too much (trolling bossing newbies? Hell yes! Being a total dick for no reason? No)
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: triptych, Maxpphire

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