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Pokémon Black & White (be warned: spoilers)
well you wouldn't need him to complete the pokedex if that was the case
proffesor oak would have to be insane to expect that
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That doesn't matter. Some people like to complete it for shits and giggles, not just so they can get a thumbs up from Oak.

Besides if you are going to make a fuss over there being more than one Mewtwo, then they may as well only make one copy of each game, otherwise you have thousands of the same person going on an adventure.

Point is is that if you get critical over "Theres only meant to be one!" then you are overlooking that there are numerous things that there should only be one of. Theres no point in trying to over complicate things over it.
we all can't be champions

we all can't be the same kid running around the same foreign land beating the same gyms

we all can't have beaten TEAM xxxxx

but oh
wait a second !!

Thanked by: Maxpphire
you guys don't get it
none of that matters over wifi
infact you don't really even play as the main character in wifi anymore
but if everybody has the same legendaries then the illusion is ruined
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(07-25-2010, 03:13 PM)Zac Wrote: you guys don't get it
none of that matters over wifi
infact you don't really even play as the main character in wifi anymore
but if everybody has the same legendaries then the illusion is ruined
Allow me to ruin it even more for you.

*Clears throat*

It's a video game. None of it matter anywhere so there is no point in complaining.
i actually agree with zac, deoxys and rayquaza are 2 of my favorite pokemon because they are just pure unadulterated badasses but i would never use them because it ruins the immersiveness of pokemon for me. what makes me like pokemon so much is the ability to create a unique team of partners with sentimental meaning to you

my favorites are always changing, just a few months ago i loved manectric but thats only because of the experiences i had with him (on top of the fact that hes just a bad ass). now its woogur but thats only becuase i have a masssive hard on for all things nomadic/native american. back in the day my favorite was chansey because i overheard a conversation between some older kids saying how chansey was the most powerful pokemon and i was like "wtf is a chansey" and i looked it up and fell in love with chansey. i only like golduck today becuase in that same time i met some kids who liked pokemon at a hotel and we played pokemon in the pool and one of them was like "im a golduck, hes the best pokemon ever" and i just have good memories with golduck.

i feel like liking a legendary is very shallow. its hard to have trials and tribulations with a legendary because your just like oh heh im a 10 yr old boy heres this ultimate monster lemme catch it real quick. ok done, lets go be the best pokemon user in the universe out of completely nowhere when only a few days ago i had never even owned a pokemon before, bye!!

not to mention the fact that legendaries are typically the only one of their kind and have a set personality or w/e. you cant really make it yours because its NOT yours. you know what i mean. also it ruins the illusion when you battle someone with multiple legendaries, or you both have the same legendary because of the same reason zac has been arguing.

so even if you like a legendary (i do) it doesnt mean you HAVE to use it, just use somehting fun and fair, and dont bring tiers into this debate it has nothign to do with it.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
That's stupid :/

How is using a legendary shallow? Or unfair? Because it's a legendary? It's a fucking game. Whether it's legendary or not means jack shit because Arcticuno could never be compared to Rayquaza, it's not nearly as broken (Arcticuno isn't broken at all). If you wanna break it down that much, Base Stats/Move Pool/Typing/Ability, these are the only things that make a Pokemon cheap or broken, not some legendary status that's supposed to help make the game cooler.

Obviously stacking your team with a bunch of (broken or non-broken ones, it really doesn't matter) legendaries thinking it's going to win you the game is really retarted; but saying that liking or using a legendary is shallow because it's a legendary is even more retarded.

Registeel is awesome, Arcticuno is awesome, Jirachi is awesome. Obviously I'm not going to use them on every team, because, well, I don't need too. But if I have the opportunity to use them on a team because I need them or want to, well, being a legendary Pokemon isn't going to stop me. Ever. Using a Pokemon I like is more important than whatever legendary status hangs above it.

EDIT: Oh; really? I kinda put him up there with Manaphy as a legendary, especially (iirc) the legendary music plays when you battle him an all. Regardless; I'll edit that. Thank you~
EDIT2: 2 hours later and I'm still noticing tiny errors :E
[Image: 2003-02-20.gif]
Thanked by: GrooveMan.exe, JoshR691, Gwen
Rotom isn't a legendary.

Also, about legendaries being one of a kind, what happens if the person who has the worlds only Mewtwo decides to restart his game without trading Mewtwo out first? Whoops no more Mewtwo. Ever.

As for them being unfair to use and what not... get over it? I mean seriously, if someone wants to use them during normal gameplay, fine, let them. As for online, the people who make teams of legendaries are almost always little kids who don't bother to train them at all and can easily be taken out in one shot.

On a personal note, I enjoy having one weaker legendary in my team from time to time. In pearl for example, I had Manaphy. He didn't make the game easier. I wasn't KOing enemies left and right, in fact, he was often the first to get knocked out, but I still enjoyed having him around because he's a cool little pokebro.
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Red never caught mewtwo.

lol what a noob.
(07-25-2010, 03:39 PM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: i actually agree with zac, deoxys and rayquaza are 2 of my favorite pokemon because they are just pure unadulterated badasses but i would never use them because it ruins the immersiveness of pokemon for me.

Pokémon has no immersion. It's the Barest-bones RPG this side of The Dark Spire and Wizardry.

The fact that Black/White is looking so good is in part to it actually trying to crank the plot and setting complexity up a notch - and that's just to put it on par with your garden-variety JRPG.

I like Pokémon as much as you do; but please don't pretend it's something that it really isn't.
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
Thanked by: Ton, Gwen
I think he's referring to the creatures themselves being immerse.

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(07-25-2010, 05:56 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote:
(07-24-2010, 11:14 PM)Zac Wrote: actually that would be kinda sweet if there was only one mewtwo in the whole world that you get for winning like the world championship or something

Oh dear sweet lord no. I don't even like Mewtwo and that's still a dumb idea. All the people who obsess having a complete Pokédex would be instantly denied right there.

I don't play competitively really; but I get how it works. I just find most Legends not to my aesthetic taste. Regice and Azelf will always be my favourite ledendaries; and I use them often. Suck it, Kat.

Well then expect me to use Lugia and Kyogre against you if we battle because they are my favorites legends. (Particularly that German one that Jarjar gave me. I fucking love that Kyogre, however I'd never really would use him in battle unless I knew the other person was using legendaries too.)

I guess the best way to put it is that the reason why I didn't like using legendaries in battle is because I do find it unfair the the other person doesn't have a legendary that they are using. Normally I don't use legendaries because I try to be somewhat fair to others but that always screws me over in the end so thats why I am mainly a pokemon breeder.

I think one of the two only battles I had that was really fair was my first pokemon battle ever. I had red version, best friend had blue version, battle went on for over an hour because it came down to Mewtwo vs Mewtwo and the move Recover. I ended up winning due to the fact that she had to call in her Mewtwo before I had to call in mine and she ended up using the move before I did too.

And then that one with Morgan I had like a couple of months ago. Neither of us used legendaries and I think I won but I almost didn't. (I could be wrong though, I have kinda a shit memory.)

And the bullshit that some people pull off in battles is why I mainly just breed pokemon for others and very rarely battle others now unless I trust them completely to not have all 6 legendary pokemon while I'm only using a General team of pokemon that I like that doesn't include legendaries.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Lugia is one of my favorite pokemon, and Zekrom's turning out to be as well.
So at least one of them will probably be on my team if you face me :F
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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All I ask is for people to let me know if they use legendaries and at that point I don't care but if they lie to me, then it gets me angry.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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(07-25-2010, 10:45 PM)Kat Wrote: All I ask is for people to let me know if they use legendaries and at that point I don't care but if they lie to me, then it gets me angry.

legendary is a status, not a tier.

We've been through this, legendary=/=broken. Trio pokemon and small legendaries (that isnt mew) are okay to use in regular battles.

You'd be pissed if i used a phione? it cant do shit. you can only complain if someone uses legendaries that are considered "ubers" by metagame standards. I just battled zac a few times and he used all 3 birds against me, sure they're tough but i always manage to take them out most of the time and i use regular pokemon. you should really look up their base stats and movepools and what metagamers consider them instead of judging and being paranoid of them because they have "history behind them"
Thanked by: Cshad

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