11-08-2009, 06:21 PM
I have a few favorite games. But to save time, Ill just say my #1 CLASSIC game. My favorite classic game is Vectorman! Every console has at least one game that uses everything the console is able to do and for the Genesis, Vectorman was it! The graphics were extremely beautiful and was way ahead of its time! The gameplay was also astounding, and the levels and bosses are superb! A classic game that comes close to number one is Sonic 3. He would have been #1 but he has new-gen games an ol' Vectorman doesnt. [or at least he would have if it weren't for his new design being remarkable similar to Master Cheif from Halo] My most HATED game is Alex Kidd. I feel the whole premise of the game flops, especially with one hit K.O's, no way to increase your 1-unit health and the fact that to get items or money, you have to play Rock Paper Scissors, which gets really tedious, especially when u lose a life if you lose.