08-15-2010, 03:29 AM
Do not worry this is not about whether the sprites are legal or not I know they are.
#1: But sprite sheets that say for TSR only does that mean that people are not allowed to rip, edit, etc. sprites from the sheet and use them such as in Game Maker games that are downloadable, playable etc.?
#2: Is their a minimum donation if I wish to and do donate that I must donate such as $5 minimum if I do donate?
#3: How did any of you find out about spriters-resource?
#4: #1 but including anything similar to for TSR only?
#5: How do people get sprites from the games (example Mega Man for Mega Man NES (MM Nintendo Entertainment System)) is it from ROMs (Read Only Memories) or a ROM (Read Only Memory) or what?
#6: Most favorite sprite sheet(s) on the site?
#7: Least favorite sprite sheet(s) on the site?
#8: How long have Spriters-Resource
http://www.spriters-resource.com/ and its community http://www.spriters-resource.com/community
been around for?
For me #3
n Game Maker Community Forums, #6: Super Mario Bros. 2 NES tiles set, #7: I like and love very much but actually its The Legend of Zelda NES Enemies.
#1: But sprite sheets that say for TSR only does that mean that people are not allowed to rip, edit, etc. sprites from the sheet and use them such as in Game Maker games that are downloadable, playable etc.?
#2: Is their a minimum donation if I wish to and do donate that I must donate such as $5 minimum if I do donate?
#3: How did any of you find out about spriters-resource?
#4: #1 but including anything similar to for TSR only?
#5: How do people get sprites from the games (example Mega Man for Mega Man NES (MM Nintendo Entertainment System)) is it from ROMs (Read Only Memories) or a ROM (Read Only Memory) or what?
#6: Most favorite sprite sheet(s) on the site?
#7: Least favorite sprite sheet(s) on the site?
#8: How long have Spriters-Resource
http://www.spriters-resource.com/ and its community http://www.spriters-resource.com/community
been around for?
For me #3