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Pokemon Pink
- List updated: 11/25/11

- updated Muk
- started Articuno
- new Rattata
- new Rhydon


-1. For newbies who haven't already guessed, the sprites are Pokemon Yellow style.

0. Anyone can help make sprites for the project.

1. Don't worry about reservations. In fact, if a Pokemon is already done and you feel you can make a significantly better version, go for it and we'll take the better.

2. Even though you're allowed to try redoing completed Pokemon, try to focus more on making unfinished Pokemon.

3. You can request any of your sprites removed at any time, just PM me.

4. Quality control is present, if I don't think your sprite is fit, it's not going up, sorry, don't complain, just try to fix it with my and other members' crits.

5. Edits are not allowed. Sorry.

6. Try to make your poses more "cute", but don't stray too far from the Pokemon's expected natural behavior.

7. The maximum size your sprite can be is 56x56. If your sprite exceeds these dimensions, it would be greatly appreciated if you could shrink it down.

Click for the sheet of our current progress.

Character name: Status (if any)
Status descriptions:
1. DONE: By [member name here] ------ This means the sprite is done. Anyone can still edit it or attempt to make a better version of it though.
2. Started by [member name here] ------ This means that the sprite is a WIP. Anyone can edit it, but you'll probably want to try to be courteous and let the original maker finish it first.

Sprites that were updated on the day of the last update will be posted in the "Newest" section. They will be erased next update.
Bulbasaur: DONE: by ShadowTails
Ivysaur: DONE: by Gameboy
Venusaur: DONE: by Zac
Charmander: DONE: By Starpower
Charmeleon: DONE: by Hoeloe and X Gamer 66
Charizard: DONE: By JoshR_691
Squirtle: DONE: By Japanese Tree Frog
Wartortle: DONE: By JoshR_691
Blastoise: DONE: by JoshR_961
Caterpie: DONE: By Glukom
Metapod: DONE: By yoursavior
Butterfree: DONE: by Devicho
Weedle: DONE: by Domobot
Kakuna: DONE: by Domobot
Beedrill: DONE: by Domobot
Pidgey: DONE: By Hoeloe (working on wings)
Pidegeotto: DONE: By Hoeloe
Pidgeot: DONE: By Hoeloe
Rattata: DONE: by Perseus (head could be angled down more)
Ekans: DONE: By -Bubbad00d-
Arbok: DONE: By -Bubbad00d-
Pikachu: DONE: by Hoeloe
Raichu: DONE: By Camo the Chemeleon
Sandshrew: DONE: by skeddles
Sandslash: DONE: By Tuna Unleashed
Nidoran♀: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Nidorina: DONE: by Hoeloe/Starpower
Nidoran♂: DONE: by Lucas Olivarde
Nidorino: Started by BBmolla (line art needs work)
Nidoking: DONE: by MKAmeX / X Gamer 66
Clefairy: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Clefable: DONE: By Devicho
Vulpix: DONE: By hunter 1000
Ninetales: DONE: by Devicho
Jigglypuff: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Wigglytuff: DONE: By MKAmeX
Zubat: DONE: By jarjarbinks
Golbat: DONE: By MKAmeX
Oddish: DONE: By Sonikku
Gloom: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Vileplume: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Paras: DONE: By Goatman56
Parasect: DONE: By Vinci
Venonat: DONE: by tredog777
Venomoth: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Diglett: DONE: By -Bubbad00d-
Dugtrio: DONE: By -Bubbad00d-
Meowth: DONE: by soulcaliburfan
Pursian: DONE: By JoshR_691
Psyduck: DONE: By Gameboy
Golduck: DONE: By Rawn
Mankey: DONE: By BBsman
Primeape: Started by Chris2Balls (Hands/feet are too small)
Growlithe: DONE: By SuperSonic Yoshi
Arcanine: Started by Gameboy
Poliwag: DONE: By Shyguy Grey
Poilwhirl: DONE: by Goatman56
Poliwrath: DONE: by balladofwindfishes
Kadabra: Started by maarten
Alakazam: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Machop: DONE: By Kyleglor (eyes could be improved)
Machoke: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Bellsprout: DONE: By Devicho
Weepinbell: DONE: By Hoeloe
Victreebell: DONE: by EdpR (and Ego)
Tentacool: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Tentacruel: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Geodude: DONE: by Lucas Olivarde / Koopaul
Graveler: DONE: By Lucas Olivarde
Golem: DONE: By Lucas Olivarde
Ponyta: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Slowpoke: DONE: By Feity
Slowbro: DONE: By Zac
Magnemite: DONE: By Hoeloe
Magneton: DONE: by Hoeloe
Doduo: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Dodrio: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Seel: DONE: by Darky
Dewgong: DONE: By Hoeloe
Grimer: DONE: By -Bubbad00d-
Muk: DONE: By -Bubbad00d- / Koopaul
Shellder: DONE: By Sol
Cloyster: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Gastly: DONE: by horn_head_o
Haunter: DONE: by Gameboy
Gengar: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Onix: DONE: By X Gamer 66 / Koopaul
Drowzee: DONE: By EdpR
Hypno: Started by KageX (needs AA, arm is weird)
Krabby: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Kingler: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Voltorb: DONE: By MKAmeX
Electrode: DONE: By balladofwindfishes
Exeggcute: DONE: By X Gamer 66 / Koopaul
Executor: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Cubone: DONE: By soulcaliburfan
Marowak: DONE: By EpicWes
Hitmonlee: Started By X Gamer 66
Hitmonchan: DONE: by Kyleglor
Lickitung: DONE: By MKAmeX
Koffing: DONE: BY Devicho
Weezing: DONE: By Gameboy (Needs more AA and bumps)
Rhyhorn: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Rhydon: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Chansey: DONE: by Devicho
Tangella: DONE: By Gameboy
Kangaskhan: DONE: By koopaul
Horsea: DONE: By Devicho
Seadra: Started by Hoeloe
Goldeen: DONE: by Phantom_Kirby
Staryu: DONE: By Mystery_Dungeon
Starmie: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Mr. Mime: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Scyther: Started by Rokkan (Head is big and pose needs to be less generic)
Jynx: DONE: by Rawn
Electabuzz: DONE: by JoshR_691 / Koopaul (stripe on chest is odd)
Magmar: DONE: by X Gamer 66
Pinsir: DONE: By Gameboy
Tauros: DONE: By EpicWes (our left leg looks a bit thin)
Magikarp: DONE: By JoshR_691
Gyarados: DONE: By MKAmeX
Lapras: DONE: By oB2Ko Mario
Ditto: DONE: by Zac
Eevee: Started by MKAmeX (Tail looks rough and sketchy)
Vaporeon: DONE: By X Gamer 66
Flareon: DONE: By Devicho
Porygon: DONE: By SuperSonic Yoshi
Omanyte: DONE: By Sonikku/X Gamer 66
Omastar: Started by Vinci (Slightly miss-formed shell)
Kabuto: DONE: By Hoeloe
Kabutops: DONE: By DarkSB24
Aerodactyl: DONE: by Darky
Articuno: Started by mutantyoshi (tail needs to be redrawn)
Zapdos: DONE: By Starpower/X Gamer 66
Moltres: DONE: By Hoeloe/X Gamer 66
Dratini: DONE: By Darky
Dragonair: DONE: By charity236
Dragonite: DONE: by Hoeloe/NarutoGlowbal123/Koopaul (needs general fixing)
Mewtwo: DONE: By Starpower
Mew: DONE: By Joshr_691

Main character (Pink): Overworld (KageX) In-battle (JoshR691/Clutch) (see big sheet)
Daisy Oak (Rival): Overworld (Hoeloe) In-battle (SuperSonic Yoshi)

The style is Pokemon Yellow style, just with the Pokemon in different poses. Preferably somewhat
based off of the anime Pokemon, but still retaining the oldschool feel.


^^Refer to that sheet style references.^^

Box art mockup by Silver

Cartridge mockup by Hoeloe

Add this button to your sig if you support Pokemon Pink:
[Image: 5D8pV.png]

Or use this smaller version:
[Image: QaNx7.gif]

Or alternatively, this weaboo version:
[Image: 2qmnbrl.jpg]
Could it be Possible that we could make the Overworld a bit bigger like FR/LG but make sure its devamped?

Because the overworld in Pokemon Yellow was atrocious and i could never find my way around. It seems alot easier to identify things.
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Prefferably not, Pink is meant to be a pairing with Yellow, like R/B, G/S, etc. So they should be the same style.

Beisdes, the overworld is just a side thing, the main focus is one the Pokemon. :s
[Image: untitledre6.gif]
PJ ~ Devi ~ Sheezy
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I will help I guess!~ <^w^>
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Bahahaha, I could do alot of spriting...so I will! 'cause, i'm bored
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What's this? No death, bumps only, Final Destination.

[Image: pkmnpinkgendv9.png]

I've also started on putting everything in a sheet, and converted the colors of all the sprites so they've all got the same palette.

Oh, and in addition, Seaking, Tentacruel, Psyduck, and Poliwag's links are broken, if anyone happened to save them it'd be great if they could be re-uploaded.
[Image: untitledre6.gif]
PJ ~ Devi ~ Sheezy
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Man that Vaporeon doesn't look well-proportioned on the tail, I think. It's way too fat for too long a stretch.

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the link for gengar and onix somehow got molded into one link to gengar

Edit: ur also missing the link to exeggcute.
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Zee Wrote:Man that Vaporeon doesn't look well-proportioned on the tail, I think. It's way too fat for too long a stretch.
Looking at it again, I kind see what you mean. :s

Also thanks link-guy, should be fixed now.
[Image: untitledre6.gif]
PJ ~ Devi ~ Sheezy
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reserving dodrio, o.k.
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a lot of the links don't work
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link-guy Wrote:reserving dodrio, o.k.
Sure thing.

TPoe Wrote:a lot of the links don't work
Really? All of the links were working for me earlier today (aside from the four I mentioned). Which ones aren't working?

Also, right now I'm going to work on going through all of the Pokemon in the project so far and make any necessary minor fixes; I wanna get rid of all the WIPs that no one's ever going to finish.
[Image: untitledre6.gif]
PJ ~ Devi ~ Sheezy
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here's what i have on dodrio:

[Image: 18136390hy4.png]

sad, angry, and happy
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X Gamer 66 Wrote:
TPoe Wrote:a lot of the links don't work
Really? All of the links were working for me earlier today (aside from the four I mentioned). Which ones aren't working?

Also, right now I'm going to work on going through all of the Pokemon in the project so far and make any necessary minor fixes; I wanna get rid of all the WIPs that no one's ever going to finish.

Nevermind, I guess it was just my internet yesterday, all of them work now, accept the ones you said.
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[Image: 11262014aq1.png]

i don't like how it turn out with the legs and the tail feathers, maybe someone can fix it up :/
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