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Suzumiya Haruhi no Gyakuten
[Image: SHnG1.png] [Image: SHnG2.png]
This screen says...
...SHnG3 have the following same too, but I don't have this game for making a section Icon.

[Image: SHnG-CourtIcon.png]
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
This is awesome, I was hoping someone would start ripping from this game. Do you plan to rip more backgrounds or even the character art?
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Quote:or even the character art?
Well actually it's possible, here some sample:

[Image: SHnG-Ripsample.png]

It could take some time to rip all. I start with it when I'm finished with
beta testing of a new VisualNovel i got beforehand.
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
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Looks awesome. This is any fangame maker's dream right here. I'll be keeping an eye on this, I'm excited to see how it turns out. Good luck!
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I forgot how I cleanripped the first Sprite, does somebody know a program that can convert a picture like this
(Sprite left, Mask right) into an RGBA PNG?
The prog I'm actually using does not save the result correct.

Or would it be okay when I submit them in this "raw" format?

Oookay I found some elaborate method with Photoshop for doing it.

Smile Computer Research Society President [3/3]
Smile Haruhi Suzumiya [16/16]
Smile Itsuki Koizumi [8/8]
Smile Kyon [4/4]
Smile Mikuru Asahina [5/5]
Smile Seitokaichou/Student Council Chairman [7/7]
Smile Shamisen [2/2]
Smile Sonou Mori [8/8]
Smile Tsuruya [3/3]
Smile Yuki Nagato [2/2]

Smile complete
Blank progress
Sad nothing

19:20 GMT/UTC +1+Summer | Finished | 58/58
Links will be in the next post. ↓
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
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Suh-weet. This makes me so excited! I wish I could help with your Photoshop woes, but sadly I'm carp at that sorta stuff and use Paint.NET instead. A tad less complicated. You seem to have a really complete list going, it has pretty much every major character in the series. The only people I can think of that are missing are Emiri Kimidori (whom I know is the prosecutor of the 2nd game) and Ryoko Asakura, but she could very well only be in a game you don't have.

I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing the rips~!
Thanked by:
[Computer Research Society President*] | [Haruhi Suzumiya] | [Itsuki Koizumi] | [Kyon] | [Mikuru Asahina]
[Sonou Mori] | [Seitokaichou/Student Council Chairman*] | [Shamisen] | [Tsuruya] | [Yuki]

YES, ZIP Files this time. Why? Because it's not thaaat much. :'D

* The Names of "Computer Research Society President" and "Student Council Chairman" were never mentioned in any SHnY media

Quote:the 2nd game
I plan to rip this next, don't worry.
I wish I would have the 3rd too, so I could rip Arakawa as Godot. xD
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
Thanked by: Ultimecia, Kyougi Ryu
Alright! I'm going to upload it ASAP. You even saved as zip, thank you so much ^^
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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The art style looks really weird on this one... o_0
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Quote:The art style looks really weird on this one... o_0
Yes, a bit strange. :'D
But the Backgrounds, except the Courtroom, are worst in this Game. xDDD

Ready for some example?:
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
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What?!? This one got a little too much LSD Shocked;
Making the icons, going up in a minute ;p
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Whoa. That's Glaussian Blur on crack right there. Anyway, I'm lovin' the character art. Really looking forward to future rips on this game/series, even if it does make me wanna play it really badly XD
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Gyakuten 2 - Character Ripping Progress

Smile Emiri Kimidori [9/9]
Smile Haruhi Suzumiya (SHnG2 Style) [22/22]
Smile Mikuru Asahina (SHnG2 Style) [10/10]
Smile Ryouko Asakura [1/1] <~ only 1 Pose o__o
Smile Tsuruya (SHnG2 Style) [3/3]
Smile Yuki Nagato (SHnG2 Style) [2/2]

Old SHnG Style Sprites
Smile Mikuru Asahina (Maid Poses, don't know if (un)used) [5/5]
Smile Seitokaichou (Update) [8/8]

ToHeart2 Characters
Smile Karin Sasamori [4/4]
Smile Tamaki Kousaka [4/4]

Detroit Metal City Characters
Smile Krauser [2/2]
Smile Souichi Negishi [2/2]


PS, I accidentally deleted the Location Background that was in a Spoiler 3 Posts above.
~Wayne, it was bloodcurdling bad.
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
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New Characters / New Style
Emiri Kimidori
Haruhi Suzumiya
Mikuru Asahina
Ryouko Asakura (not packed, it's only 1 Picture)
Yuki Nagato

SHnG Style
Mikuru Asahina Maid (5 new Sprites)
Seitokaichou (8 Sprites instead of 7)

ToHeart2 GuestCharacters
Karin Sasamori
Tamaki Kousaka

Detroit Metal City GuestCharacters
Souichi Negishi

Returning without Changes
I think Mori, Kyon and Itsuki.

ALL old Sprites are in the Graphics Data of the second Game, so this is not easy to say.
Currently not ripping stuff. I'm not in mood for it, sorry.

Latest uploaded Rips on t?R:
You remember some not up? I don't.
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The artstyle is nice, but the characters still barely resemble their original anime counterparts- especially Mikuru, who lacks her "glass crybaby" trademark build and body language.
Still, this is a kickass rip.
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