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Why Do You like Your Favorite Game?
I shouldn't capitalize the whole title of a thread like that, h3h.


I want to know why you like your favorite game. Is it a standout series of moments? It can be any console, any Genre.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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oh. we had a thread listing our favorite games, but a thread explaining why i guess it's quite new

um let me see

Sonic CD was basic and complex at the same time. Levels are not too labyrinthic, you just dash rightwards and almost never going leftwards, but the level design is pretty great. Each level feels entirely different not only because of the different badniks and gimicks, but the levels themselves are structured differently to adequate those gimmicks and to feel different from each other. It's quite similar to the original Sonic a lot because it was based upon it, but still, it feels very different from Sonic 1-3. The time travelling, the amazing atmosphere created by the colorful and very surreal landscapes and the amazing music alongside it, the story is simple but original, it also introduced Time Attacking, and it had a ton of little details and secrets that just shows how this game was put together so nicely.

Recently, I have been putting Sonic 1 to the same "tier" of Sonic CD. Sonic 1's levels are very fun to replay over and over again, trying to get better times or higher scores. Speed just feels more rewarding since you don't have the Spin-Dash. Going fast, trying not to be stopped by any sorts of obstacles, knowing when to jump and when to spin on the ground. It got specially fun after I got a rom hack that records your best times and scores at each levels and also the highest number of rings collected, monitors and badniks destroyed, plus Boss Attack and other modes.

Also any Treasure game because they're very creative and fun.

I'll post more non-sonic games later.
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Because no other game in the history of time has managed to give the NPCs such character. Only a repeating timeline can have a working town with every character doing things independantly and actually have reasons for doing those things that interact with what other characters do throughout the day.

That's what makes me love my favourite game.
this is a sig

Thanked by: Phantom Killah
Because even though the storyline is done and over with, I can still chill online with a ton of friends

everyone else here loves Reach, so I have a consistent group to play with/against


Thanked by: Rhyme
viewtfiul joe 1 and 2

because, for one thing, literally every aspect was well made and memorable: unique story, well made and appealing graphics, and catchy music. but the gameplay is especially great. i love a good 2d beat-em-up, but they're usually pretty one-dimensional, either being straight up button mashing or button mashing with some fancy special moves thrown in. viewtiful joe has a combat system which is unlike anything else i have ever played, but doesn't feel unrefined or lacking at all. it is exactly the kind of game you think of when the phrase "easy to learn, tough to master" comes up. on easy mode its easy just to use a few simple moves and breeze through enemies, but on higher difficulties learning the nuances becomes essential and, ultimately, a lot more satisfying. nothing makes you feel badass like dodging a really long combo from an enemy and then tearing through a field of them while punching out a helicopter. also i thought 2 was just as good as 1, even if sylvia was completely useless 90% of the time, it had way better music, and the final boss kicked way more ass than in the first game.
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[Image: logo_half_life2_valve.jpg&t=1]

The story is fucking crazy. You start out going to work, and you end up killing aliens and HECU soldiers. And it even grew where there's Combine searching you down. And so many stuff happens.

If you play Half Life from the very beginning, you will be amazed.

The story is great, the gameplay is amazing. There are puzzles and it's not your regular shooters. Even the main character is a silent mystery man.

[Image: gordon.jpg]
and he looks like a badass too.

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because he gets really mad and says "FUCK" when he loses
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis.

Everything about it is just fucking perfect.

Not only was it the first videogame I ever owned (or rather, it's actually my brother's but you get the point) but it just happens to be the fucking best game of all time.

Every song in the game. Pure perfection.

Nostalgia at its best.

Even WITHOUT the rose tinted goggles, the game is still amazing as ever.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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My favorites always change, but right now, I'm obsessed with LittleBigPlanet. The game is just so amazing, and the level creations are so creative. THE GRAPHICS are amazing, the effects, the way everything was pulled off, the visual theme, everything. I love it love it love it. Even when you finish the game, there is still so much to do, like go back and try to get every item, or even make your own level. The best part about the level creator is that it's not too complicated, but not so basic that you can't do anything interesting with it. AND THE MUSIC, along with how you can change the visual appearance of your character; there's just so much creativity and fun in this game.
[Image: OH4K4jX.gif] [Image: R7WBBzo.gif] [Image: TsJpssj.gif]
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because its a modern game that actually has a campaign/story/career/whathaveyou mode that's longer than 20 hours if you take the time to mess around with all of the side stuff
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Dark Cloud 2.

Weapon system
change of clothing
Complete customization of your own towns
Great Graphics
great storyline
great music

             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Super Mario 64 because it was the first really game I had really enjoyed and gotten the chance to play a lot of. It being arguably the best platformer on the N64 certainly helped. While I would have loved to have had more levels, the gameplay was fun and I had a good time hunting down every star.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle comes at a close second for me. I really do wish there were more Sonic and Shadow levels, but the other characters weren't awful. The physics were IMO far better than SA/SADX's and the Chao garden was really fun.

More recently I've had a great time playing the Halo games and I have to say Reach, the most recent one, failed to disappoint me. Needless to say, I've spent a lot of time playing it as of late.

I got a lot of other games I really love, but those ones stick out to me a lot.
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Super Mario World, Aside it being the first game I literally played and the graphics, the game play was perfect enough to have me keep coming back to it again and again. Not only that but it literally aces on how a platforming game can be in terms of being non-linear (Since, there are about 10 different ways to get around the whole map). Not only that but it included a pretty wide variety of enemies if not more then SMB3.

Sonic The Hedgehog 1, pretty much the same reason as rokkan said, it's pretty fun to keep going back to it for the sake of a speed run, and how fast you can pass a stage, I could say the same for any other sonic game up until heroes.

I've recently gotten myself into the Katamari series, I mean sure most of it's a bunch of shenanigans but it's an idea that actually works, some how it keeps me addicted to just playing to see how big I can roll a giant ass ball. It's different, it's fun, what else can I say?

I have a lot more but I don't feel like making a wall of text about it.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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Kingdom Hearts is my fave game, because it's so full of exploration and hidden things, that even after playing it 15 times i still keep finding new things hidden in it. Kingdom Hearts 2 just is'nt the same. also because of Kingdom Hearts I wanted to find out about final fantasy, and now I'm a huge Final Fantasy VII fan who can't wait for the next game in the compilation!
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(09-27-2010, 09:00 PM)valforwing Wrote: I'm a huge Final Fantasy VII fan who can't wait for the next game in the compilation!
checks wikipedia

son you're hella behind here

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