11-16-2010, 07:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2010, 01:07 PM by ZeldaClassicEXPERT.)
Actually I got a better idea in which I wish any and all of you to help out.
Just in case anyone gets concerned.
Go onto http://www.youtube.com/user/Fira777
click somewhere in the purple and mouse scroll down until you see a pointing right triangle button, then move arrow using the mouse over to a pointing right triangle button and left click and watch the video if desired.
Also look about post 4 or 5 (Ctrl + F) the post has links to Game Maker using YoYoGames and talks about Game Maker Pro (Ctrl + F type in Game Maker Pro) but it is not post #1 (this one) I wish for all you to most definitely see.
Make sure when making game to go to Backgrounds (Rooms choose room and click on Backgrounds) and click the following in ^^
^ Draw background color
Visible when room starts
Tile Hor.
Tile Vert. (both Hor. and Vert. leave X and Y at 0)
Their is only one room needed
Help me with easiest I know of ripping projects using a Game Maker game.
Please do not worry I'll do all the hard work and any of you with Pro get the easy stuff!
: )
I am http://www.youtube.com/user/Fira777 Fira777 from YouTube.
To clear up any and all concern, concerns, other, others
please watch my video that is called:
Ultimate Spriters Resource Info by Fira777.AVI
Note the video may or may not be laggy, pausing etc. if so just let the video
run and when it ends click play button and play again.
I have an idea on how I can rip sprites to use from spriters-resource
Anyone who has Pro Edition of Game Maker prefferably 8.0 but below 8.0 can
also do as well.
So how do I do help you out?
Note for screen_save and background_replace I do not want any numbers or letters
to be the events of such to prevent repeating the save.
Instructions are simple (Pro Edition needed though)
Here are the instructions especially if you have Game Maker 8.0 Pro:
(*means move mouse over to and click on*)
Open Game Maker
*Move mouse over to White with blue border*
Hit Enter
*Go to blue ball*
Hit Enter
*Move mouse over to Room0*
Put object0 in Room0 using left mouse button clicked in room
*Move mouse over to green check mark*
*Go to sky with some green below it picture*
Hit Enter
*Move mouse to object0*
//go to this thread
Move mouse to the code boxes and highlight text inside the code box
Press Ctrl and C
Go back to Game Maker
using Ctrl and V put the codings in the events I wish to have them in//
you will need to do // 12 times //
Check to make sure that Page Up opens an open file thing to where one can choose.
Check to make sure all buttons work correctly (left making room relative -1 horizontally smaller, right making room
relative +1 horizontally bigger etc.)
when finished go to File
*move mouse over to Create Executable...*
Upload the game say to http://host-a.net/
Post or Private Message me the link go ahead and if you wish to have video (prefferably YouTube) recording of you uploading
the game to prove safe to download.
Create Event
key press left event
key press right event
key press up event
key press down event
alarm0 event
key release W event
key release S event
key release A event
key release D event
key press Delete (Others then <Delete>)
key press Page Up event
Just in case anyone gets concerned.
Go onto http://www.youtube.com/user/Fira777
click somewhere in the purple and mouse scroll down until you see a pointing right triangle button, then move arrow using the mouse over to a pointing right triangle button and left click and watch the video if desired.
Also look about post 4 or 5 (Ctrl + F) the post has links to Game Maker using YoYoGames and talks about Game Maker Pro (Ctrl + F type in Game Maker Pro) but it is not post #1 (this one) I wish for all you to most definitely see.
Make sure when making game to go to Backgrounds (Rooms choose room and click on Backgrounds) and click the following in ^^
^ Draw background color
Visible when room starts
Tile Hor.
Tile Vert. (both Hor. and Vert. leave X and Y at 0)
Their is only one room needed
Help me with easiest I know of ripping projects using a Game Maker game.
Please do not worry I'll do all the hard work and any of you with Pro get the easy stuff!

I am http://www.youtube.com/user/Fira777 Fira777 from YouTube.
To clear up any and all concern, concerns, other, others
please watch my video that is called:
Ultimate Spriters Resource Info by Fira777.AVI
Note the video may or may not be laggy, pausing etc. if so just let the video
run and when it ends click play button and play again.
I have an idea on how I can rip sprites to use from spriters-resource
Anyone who has Pro Edition of Game Maker prefferably 8.0 but below 8.0 can
also do as well.
So how do I do help you out?
Note for screen_save and background_replace I do not want any numbers or letters
to be the events of such to prevent repeating the save.
Instructions are simple (Pro Edition needed though)
Here are the instructions especially if you have Game Maker 8.0 Pro:
(*means move mouse over to and click on*)
Open Game Maker
*Move mouse over to White with blue border*
Hit Enter
*Go to blue ball*
Hit Enter
*Move mouse over to Room0*
Put object0 in Room0 using left mouse button clicked in room
*Move mouse over to green check mark*
*Go to sky with some green below it picture*
Hit Enter
*Move mouse to object0*
//go to this thread
Move mouse to the code boxes and highlight text inside the code box
Press Ctrl and C
Go back to Game Maker
using Ctrl and V put the codings in the events I wish to have them in//
you will need to do // 12 times //
Check to make sure that Page Up opens an open file thing to where one can choose.
Check to make sure all buttons work correctly (left making room relative -1 horizontally smaller, right making room
relative +1 horizontally bigger etc.)
when finished go to File
*move mouse over to Create Executable...*
Upload the game say to http://host-a.net/
Post or Private Message me the link go ahead and if you wish to have video (prefferably YouTube) recording of you uploading
the game to prove safe to download.
Create Event
roomshrinkvertically = 0;
roomshrinkhorizontally = 0;
roomunshrinkhorizontally = 0;
roomunshrinkvertically = 0;
key press left event
roomshrinkhorizontally -= 1
key press right event
roomunshrinkhorizontally += 1
key press up event
roomshrinkvertically -= 1
key press down event
roomunshrinkvertically += 1
alarm0 event
background_hspeed[0] = 0;
background_vspeed[0] = 0;
key release W event
background_vspeed[0] = 0.25
alarm[0] = room_speed;
key release S event
background_vspeed[0] = -0.25
alarm[0] = room_speed;
key release A event
background_hspeed[0] = -0.25
alarm[0] = room_speed;
key release D event
background_hspeed[0] = 0.25
alarm[0] = room_speed;
key press Delete (Others then <Delete>)
save_picture = get_string("save as what .bmp","eraseandtype")
key press Page Up event
g = get_open_filename("picture|*.gif;*.png",working_directory);
if (g!="") //if g == "" the user clicked "Cancel"