11-29-2010, 12:20 PM
This is in Gaming Discussion because this is a game in the forum so it deals with games that is why.
Any can make own questions as well.
Each person (unless staff says otherwise) gets one use of life lines:
50/50 question starter takes two answers that are wrong away, ask question starter self explainitory, ask members here for answers self explainatory.
100 point question:
I will be making a Mega Man Lite Example with Game Maker 8 Lite Edition. What is Kidnapper Kreon's weakness of a boss' weapon
that is gotten whe (s)he is beaten?
Hint: The weakness totally makes sense.
A: Winter Wasp's Freeze Wheel B: Fifties Flamingo Sound Laser
C: Tornado Toad's Twinado Roller
Birthday Ghost's Cranberry Juice
Good luck!
Any can make own questions as well.
Each person (unless staff says otherwise) gets one use of life lines:
50/50 question starter takes two answers that are wrong away, ask question starter self explainitory, ask members here for answers self explainatory.
100 point question:
I will be making a Mega Man Lite Example with Game Maker 8 Lite Edition. What is Kidnapper Kreon's weakness of a boss' weapon
that is gotten whe (s)he is beaten?
Hint: The weakness totally makes sense.
A: Winter Wasp's Freeze Wheel B: Fifties Flamingo Sound Laser
C: Tornado Toad's Twinado Roller

Good luck!