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Eternity's Child
Some of you may know that I've been working on a game for Steam and Wiiware called Eternity's Child. It's HD 2D platformer that uses 2 characters at the same time. One controlled by keyboard, one by mouse (or nunchuck and Wiimote on Wii).

[Image: large.jpg]

It's currently available on Steam, so be sure to check it out here.

There's also a preview of it here at Wiiware World.
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At first this game interested me but when the "emo" art style kicked in it put me off, however I shall look into it before I pass my judgment. Is a demo available at all?

The idea of controlling a platform game character with a mouse also puts control issues straight to the front of my head. I don't like "floaty" platforming, can you change the control on either version?

Quote:But if you’re one who likes your platforming control a bit more pinpoint in its accuracy, you might find Eternity’s Child a little loose for your liking.

I think that line has pretty much settled it for me. As soon as solid control is sacrificed for a control scheme or art style it just puts me off.
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
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The second character moves freely and just shoots at where you aim. You don't actually move them. It's basically if you took the controls from a PC FPS and put them into a 2D platformer/shooter.

There's no demo, only a trailer and a hand full of previews available to help you make a decision.

Quote:I think that line has pretty much settled it for me. As soon as solid control is sacrificed for a control scheme or art style it just puts me off.

Just pointing out that the dates are 2 weeks apart. The final "polish" was not in their preview.
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I like the art style. Goes good with it. I'll download it! Smile
[Image: 2l8xedl.png]
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Will this be available on XBLA or PSN? I'd much rather get it on a console (PS3 has te best D-pad) other than the Wii.

Wait... It has 2 characters... but not 2 players? Right I'm going to read a lot into this I'm strangely interested...

Edit: Right so is it 2 player or one player with 2 characters? I'm very confused. If it's 2 player why does the second character just "move freely"?

EDIT: Right I've looked around and this is basically one of those games where you move with the keyboard and shoot with the mouse. I don't understand why a second character is needed, why can't the first one do the shooting as well? I also don't like the Art style, "by hand" seems to mean "flash" now days but in games like 'Alien Hominid' and 'Castle Crashers' I think they pull it off well. With this something more along the line of 'Odin Sphere' would have fitted the game a lot better in my own opinion. If this had started as a Flash game like 'Alien Hominid' did and then grown into a full retail venture I think maybe I would pick it up as I could try the Flash version before hand but still know that the retail version was a much bigger and better game.

And compared to something like 'Noitu Love 2' ( which in my own opinion looks a lot nicer (all graphics, music and everything made by one guy), has a demo (seriously get a demo out there) super tight controls and has simply perfected the mouse keyboard control combination I don't see why I would buy this game over that. True this game is around half the price but it just hasn't got the appeal I find Noitu 2 to have.
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
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Someone's never played TWEWY.

I wasn't aware of a 2-character mechanic, that's really ineresting. Checking out the demo video now.
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Goemar Wrote:EDIT: Right I've looked around and this is basically one of those games where you move with the keyboard and shoot with the mouse. I don't understand why a second character is needed, why can't the first one do the shooting as well? I also don't like the Art style, "by hand" seems to mean "flash" now days but in games like 'Alien Hominid' and 'Castle Crashers' I think they pull it off well. With this something more along the line of 'Odin Sphere' would have fitted the game a lot better in my own opinion. If this had started as a Flash game like 'Alien Hominid' did and then grown into a full retail venture I think maybe I would pick it up as I could try the Flash version before hand but still know that the retail version was a much bigger and better game.

I highly doubt Odins Sphere had a budget of $0 and a time scale of 6 months with only 1 programmer.

oh, and XBLA is ass and Sony don't accept indies.
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I guess I didn't think about time and money but still I think this is a "the sequel will be great" game for me unless a demo on Steam appears.
For now 'Noitu Love 2' will be my game of choice for a mouse and keyboard platformer as it just seems a lot more creative and has cooler bosses and ideas. I have no idea how long Noitu 2 was in the works for but I look foward to your next game.

Shame about XBLA and PSN though. I thought this was originally a XBLA game?
But wasn't Rift: Everyday Shooter an Indie?
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
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Well the next game in this series will no doubt be better due to funds from this game, but Wiiware world (behind closed doors) said they'd give it a 7/10.

And yes, it was originally an XBLA game, but it was also a cellphone game
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I don't quite see how Goemar can slate the graphics...

The game is visually amazing, and the art style is very much stylistic, and though it might not be your taste Goemar, it doesn't mean that it's bad.

I look forward to playing this!
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
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I didn't say the art style was bad, I simply said I didn't like it.
Oh by no means would an art style ever make me not buy a game if I thought it was a good purchase. For the price I would normally buy this hands down just because I'm not playing much at the moment but my lack of home internet makes Steam play up a bit and thus this will be added to the "Get one day" list. And no doubt my little brother (who makes love to the Wii) will get this.
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
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mmm, the graphics look strange to me, but maybe like Goemar, they aren't my style. But then again, it won't matter, because I don't have a Wiiware!
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dammit I need to buy a router so I can get some WiiWare games

This game looks cool.
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I read reviews about this on Destructoid, according to them it's absolute rubbish.
That + that I'm not a fan of the art style, I think I'll pass this one.
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Damn, they really hate it. But I thought there was no demo?

I do agree about the character animation though, I don't think the characters even have knee joints.
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