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Wanna know the reason Runouw hasn't been working on the Smash Bros Engine lately? Well, it's because they've been working on a playable beta of this. To be completely honest, the fact that both of the brothers are both 18 and are able to produce stuff like that is amazing. So far, there are two beta levels and a level designer demo. I suggest you try all of them out. The game looks incredibly professional for flash, and seeings this beta released makes me just as giddy as any AAA release. The scale of the duo's teams is always something that simply puts others to shame. The music here especially is a complete joy to listen to.

Essentially, you play as a knight who can control time, hack and slash, and morph the world around him (four blocks at a time), or create new land. Obviously, there's a lot that still hasn't been added, but I'm still having a lot of fun with the level editor.

[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
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Well, the game's already into Beta v.2, and the level designer is a little bit more improved, so I felt I'd bump this thread for that purpose.

Not that anyone cares, of course Cry
[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
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It actually does look really cool, I won't lie. Its just that I really didn't had much to say about it so I didn't comment on it.
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I can understand that. There isn't terribly much in there so far besides the designer and the two beta levels. I still think the ability to create/customize planets is pretty cool, though.

[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
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