01-06-2011, 12:24 AM
This all started when someone mentioned that Deviant Art was having an outbreak of Pokemon Trainer Cards being submitted. As a joke, I decided to make a Pokegirl Tamer Card and submit that, amusing my fellow Pokegirl story writers with my sense of humor and (hack) art skills. Since I've edited a couple of Pokemon Trainer Sprites before, I figured I could do it again for this project, being easier and faster (and cheaper) than paying someone to draw it for me. And after submitting my own, I could take requests to do these for other people.
I picked a Tamer I was writing about in a story name Rocky Bullwinkle. Yes his name is a reference to the Moose and Squirrel. I immediately imagined using the Male Trainer Sprite from FireRed with a slight coloration job, a bit of height and facial hair added, moose antlers and googly eyes added to his hat, and Squirtle's tail added with a recoloring job. But I decided to start by editing some sprites to make the Pokegirls that follow him around first.
I decided to start with Sunset the A-bra, an anthropomorphic Abra with a unique coloration, Pink Hair. I picked a female trainer sprite that had her hair style (turned out it was the FR/LG Lass) and did a quick color job. Then I reduced her bust size a bit and added tiny antenna. Satisfied, I ran it by the Pokegirl community, and got the comment that her bust was to big, and sparked a huge debate about cup sizes. Gave the sprite another reduction, removing the bust shadow and trimmed the side of her torso to compensate. Running by the revision by the community, I got the comment that I created a Simpson... but since I didn't get any new criticism, I figured she was good to go.
![[Image: sunsetbig.png]](http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4431/sunsetbig.png)
After doing the next two, I realized that by reducing her bust, leaving her arms the same size makes her look chunky. Not cute... And, you can't really see her Antenna...
Following up, I started working on Vinata the Naga. Since she's bald, I had to start with a female trainer sprite with a smooth head. The Swimmer Girl! But her pose was horrible, so I took the beauty's torso and arms. Then I took the Ekans sprite from Pearl, lopped off it's head and stuck the girl onto of it. I had to trim her hips, and remove the clothing. The it was a quick recoloring with some darker purple and mauve. It took a while to remove the rattle, and I ended up trimming the tail a few pixel to get it right. As a finishing touch, I cleaned up the accessories from the clothes the beauty was wearing, redid the face entirely, fixed the forehead to smooth her out, and gave her abdomen a slight curve.
![[Image: vinatabig.png]](http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8058/vinatabig.png)
In retrospect, I should have gone way farther in taking the clothes off of her. It looks like she's still wearing the FR/LG Beauty's shirt, or has some weird invisible corset...
Third was the more fun character. Sonia, the Titacool, witch is another direct Pokemon to Pokegirl transfer. (The one with the tentacles.) This character needed a more aggressive pose, and what girl has the most proactive one than Sabrina's. She looks like she's running right for you! This girl I quickly relieved of her clothing, then did a thorough coloring in flesh tones to make sure all of her features wear done properly. Then I recolored her using the Tentacool, then finally adding two tentacles and made them black.
![[Image: soniabig.png]](http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1191/soniabig.png)
I liked making the sprite so much, I decided to do her evolved form. Since evolved Pokegirls are the same person as before, using the same base sprite made more sense than the convenience of not starting from scratch. Since Pokegirl have more enhancements when the evolve, I increased her bust size, increasing the shadow beneath as well. That was allot of fun. Then I added all the Tentacruel tentacles and made them black as well. Good times.
![[Image: sonia2big.png]](http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/2590/sonia2big.png)
Aside from some potential lighting direction issues on the tentacles, I like the way she turned out.
Finally, I had the last girl to make. Lola the BunnyGirl. I decided on taking a happily prancing girl and Lopunny, and working it out from there... the result wasn't what I wanted. I started with some random lady in an apron, changed her facial expression to one of innocent bliss, and since she's a full furry, removed her clothes. I took some Lopunny parts and threw them in as ears, bust fluff, and feet, then did a serious recoloring to make her look like a rabbit. And while she's a decent piece of work... she doesn't fit next to the other girls. Lola is supposed to be the second smallest, but she appears to be taller than Sonia...
![[Image: lolabig.png]](http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/1053/lolabig.png)
I discovered that I was compromising my character concepts by using the other sprites as bases for my own. They don't look like what I truly want them to look like. Sonia doesn't even have the right hair style!
To do what I need to do and make more accurate representation of my characters I'll have to build these sprites from scratch... I'll have to learn to draw.
All this work for a joke pic... I haven't even done Rocky Bullwinkle yet!
I picked a Tamer I was writing about in a story name Rocky Bullwinkle. Yes his name is a reference to the Moose and Squirrel. I immediately imagined using the Male Trainer Sprite from FireRed with a slight coloration job, a bit of height and facial hair added, moose antlers and googly eyes added to his hat, and Squirtle's tail added with a recoloring job. But I decided to start by editing some sprites to make the Pokegirls that follow him around first.
I decided to start with Sunset the A-bra, an anthropomorphic Abra with a unique coloration, Pink Hair. I picked a female trainer sprite that had her hair style (turned out it was the FR/LG Lass) and did a quick color job. Then I reduced her bust size a bit and added tiny antenna. Satisfied, I ran it by the Pokegirl community, and got the comment that her bust was to big, and sparked a huge debate about cup sizes. Gave the sprite another reduction, removing the bust shadow and trimmed the side of her torso to compensate. Running by the revision by the community, I got the comment that I created a Simpson... but since I didn't get any new criticism, I figured she was good to go.
![[Image: sunset2.png]](http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/9082/sunset2.png)
![[Image: sunsetbig.png]](http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4431/sunsetbig.png)
After doing the next two, I realized that by reducing her bust, leaving her arms the same size makes her look chunky. Not cute... And, you can't really see her Antenna...

Following up, I started working on Vinata the Naga. Since she's bald, I had to start with a female trainer sprite with a smooth head. The Swimmer Girl! But her pose was horrible, so I took the beauty's torso and arms. Then I took the Ekans sprite from Pearl, lopped off it's head and stuck the girl onto of it. I had to trim her hips, and remove the clothing. The it was a quick recoloring with some darker purple and mauve. It took a while to remove the rattle, and I ended up trimming the tail a few pixel to get it right. As a finishing touch, I cleaned up the accessories from the clothes the beauty was wearing, redid the face entirely, fixed the forehead to smooth her out, and gave her abdomen a slight curve.
![[Image: vinata.png]](http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/3010/vinata.png)
![[Image: vinatabig.png]](http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8058/vinatabig.png)
In retrospect, I should have gone way farther in taking the clothes off of her. It looks like she's still wearing the FR/LG Beauty's shirt, or has some weird invisible corset...
Third was the more fun character. Sonia, the Titacool, witch is another direct Pokemon to Pokegirl transfer. (The one with the tentacles.) This character needed a more aggressive pose, and what girl has the most proactive one than Sabrina's. She looks like she's running right for you! This girl I quickly relieved of her clothing, then did a thorough coloring in flesh tones to make sure all of her features wear done properly. Then I recolored her using the Tentacool, then finally adding two tentacles and made them black.
![[Image: sonia.png]](http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/6853/sonia.png)
![[Image: soniabig.png]](http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1191/soniabig.png)
I liked making the sprite so much, I decided to do her evolved form. Since evolved Pokegirls are the same person as before, using the same base sprite made more sense than the convenience of not starting from scratch. Since Pokegirl have more enhancements when the evolve, I increased her bust size, increasing the shadow beneath as well. That was allot of fun. Then I added all the Tentacruel tentacles and made them black as well. Good times.
![[Image: sonia2.png]](http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/2029/sonia2.png)
![[Image: sonia2big.png]](http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/2590/sonia2big.png)
Aside from some potential lighting direction issues on the tentacles, I like the way she turned out.
Finally, I had the last girl to make. Lola the BunnyGirl. I decided on taking a happily prancing girl and Lopunny, and working it out from there... the result wasn't what I wanted. I started with some random lady in an apron, changed her facial expression to one of innocent bliss, and since she's a full furry, removed her clothes. I took some Lopunny parts and threw them in as ears, bust fluff, and feet, then did a serious recoloring to make her look like a rabbit. And while she's a decent piece of work... she doesn't fit next to the other girls. Lola is supposed to be the second smallest, but she appears to be taller than Sonia...
![[Image: lolaop.png]](http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/6472/lolaop.png)
![[Image: lolabig.png]](http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/1053/lolabig.png)
I discovered that I was compromising my character concepts by using the other sprites as bases for my own. They don't look like what I truly want them to look like. Sonia doesn't even have the right hair style!
To do what I need to do and make more accurate representation of my characters I'll have to build these sprites from scratch... I'll have to learn to draw.
All this work for a joke pic... I haven't even done Rocky Bullwinkle yet!