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Dark Souls
You and me could tear things up sometime, Woppet. I've got one character near 300, and one near 60.
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Do i already have you on PSN? I thought i did but if not, add me. It's in my sig.
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In case anyone is wonder, Artorias fucking destroys you in every way imaginable.
Thanked by: PrettyNier
I didn't have a lot of trouble with him, but that's because I overleveled hardcore because the Sanc Guardian was kicking my ass so much. When I went back I had two sets of Soul Spear, and I murdered the Guardian, and when I FINALLY got through the Royal Wood I beat Arty fairly quickly. However, I NARROWLY missed getting hit several times, and I was constantly on edge and dodging like crazy.

I was summoned for someone's run on the final boss of the content... It was INSANE. I unloaded my entire magic list into him and it didn't even get him halfway down. Soul Spears included. I died shortly after that. The TRUE final boss of Dark Souls.
Thanked by: Marth
Manus is amazing. I actually had more trouble with Artorias and Kalameet than I did him, but the fight was a shit-load more tense; It was far away from the bonfire through the entire chasm of the abyss, and I had 4.5 million souls on me that I'm not spending on levelling up until NG+ that two mistakes could easily cost me.

But I got him my second time down there; pyromancy is fairly effective.
Thanked by: Marth
The Guardian I blew threw, Artorias is just so fast and Smough's armor made me so slow it was nerve racking. But I finally got past him.

Also this new death match mode is actually really fun.
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So hey Jason my DaS Design Works came today, and yeah it's really awesome, much better than i expected.
But what's with the little pieces of paper inside the book with wapanese written on them? There's like 2 of them, a pink one and a white one, and the pink one has 'ps3' written on it and is nicely hung over a page so it doesnt fall out. Wondered if they might be redeemable codes or something?
this is a sig

Thanked by: PrettyNier
I have no idea, actually! I'm not sure if mine came with that or not.
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I just beat Artorias at level 18.

Mask of the Father
Hollow Warrior Armor +9
no gloves
Hollow Warrior Leggings +8
Lightning Bastard Sword +5
Bloodshield +15
Dark Wood Grain Ring
Havel's Ring

I think that is easily one of the best experiences I've had in this game. Nothing since the original run against Ornstein and Smough has killed me that much or demanded that much focus.
Thanked by: Marth
Jason the Dark Souls God
Thanked by: PrettyNier
Oh hey, Dark Souls 2

DARK SOULS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanked by: Tellis
I hate that trailer. It looks too try hard and after reading the interview clip Jason posted on facebook I'm really upset about this.

They're dumbing it down to make it more straightforward story wise (and the obscurity was a huge plus for this series), and supposedly making it easier (the difficulty is another huge plus and publicity factor for this series).

Also Dark Souls II is stupid name. I mean a really, really stupid name. If the game is still going to take place in Lordran why not name it Lordran Souls or Inhuman Souls or something. I mean both of those names i suggested are lame but Dark Souls II is just a stupid name.

I also was really hoping for a completely new mythology, I mean there's a lot of unexplored characters mentioned that never make an appearance and areas that you never see that they could've used instead if they want to continue with this game's mythology. But it looks like we're in the same exact places again(that mountain reminds me the painted world and the undead asylum, I can clearly see Anor Londo and I think that hell-scape is lost Izalath/a continuation of the demon ruins)...hopefully we'll see something else like Vinheim or run across All Father Loyd he seemed interesting in the loading screen descriptions of his talisman. I don't know I'm just really not liking what this is currently showing itself as.

EDIT: Is that Kalameet's skeleton? I'll admit that's kind of a cool nod to the last game's DLC. Oh and I finally reached Manus...anyone wanna help me take him down? He's ungodly on NG+

Also I want to take this time to put up the suggestion that we talk about the game's lore. We saw all of the Lord's aside from Izalath but we all know she died, and the pygmy is mentioned but never seen or mentioned more than a few times in the game (actually aside from the intro speech and Dark Stalker Kathe (who most players never run across on their first, second or even third play through without guides) he/she is never mentioned again). What are the chances that Manus is the pygmy? It was revealed that Humanity is a shard(s) of the Dark Soul, which was the soul the Pygmy held. The spell that Manus uses once obtained states that it is like humanity or something along those lines so I feel personally, that Manus is the pygmy/the first dark lord, while I believe you are to be the third if you choose not to relight the fire after defeating Gwyn. No clue as to who the second is/was though.
(my memory is hazy, so some of my facts may not be entirely correct. Feel free to call me on it/educate me on the matter).
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I am pretty sure that Manus is the first (and at the time of Dark Souls only) Dark Lord, as described by Kaathe. He is the ancestor of man, somehow swallowed up in powers of darkness and a thirst for humanity. It is mentioned that he fell into some sort of dormancy, but the people of Ooacile were convinced by Kaathe to awaken him, and thus Ooacile was destroyed. However, it does not mention how or when the Abyss spread from there to New Londo, where the city had to be flooded to prevent the spread of the Abyss and Darkwraiths.

Personally I haven't read much about what Dark Souls II is supposed to be about, and while I admit I'd have loved a different title more, I love the series far too much to be mad at it. I liked the fight scene in that cinematic a lot, it was really brutal and I loved how it left the character filled with arrows and crap at the end.
Thanked by: Gwen
I feel the title of a game is pointless to be mad about, seeing how many series number off each entry.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Yeah, honestly? I'd be a bit more angry if they had a different name and it still took place in the same area as Dark Souls. I mean, that's kind of what they set up with Demon's Souls and Dark Souls being spiritual successors. Dark Souls II is a direct sequel of Dark Souls, I honestly don't see the issue with the title, other than it being slightly uncreative.

EDIT: As for the rest of that, well, I can't really make a good judgement because I haven't played Dark Souls yet, but, if that whole dumbing down thing is true, that's kinda disappointing, but I'm afraid to make any calls on the game's quality from speculation like that...and I'm also unable to read the clip Jason posted so... welp. Actually, think you could post it here, Marth?
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