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Because turning into a wolf and using swords has never been done by anyone else except the Link series. I mean, its not like their hasn't been hundreds of stories of humans turning into werewolves or anything like that. Nope. Swords have also never been used by characters other than link before. Nope. Therefore all the stories that existed before link about swords or werewolves automaticall rip off link even though they came out long before link.
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maybe this is happening because he was so slow in sonic riders...
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Here's the thing, some people aren't interested in the new games, yet when asked what they want to see in upcoming Sonic games, the answers recieved are vague or not specfic. I'm interested in the upcoming games and if you're not, that's fine, but to those who aren't intersted, what would yu like to see specifically in the upcoming Sonic games that you believe will bring it back to it's former glory?
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(08-08-2008, 03:11 AM)Cshad Wrote: Because turning into a wolf and using swords has never been done by anyone else except the Link series. I mean, its not like their hasn't been hundreds of stories of humans turning into werewolves or anything like that. Nope. Swords have also never been used by characters other than link before. Nope. Therefore all the stories that existed before link about swords or werewolves automaticall rip off link even though they came out long before link.
But isn't it funny that since releasing TP and PH, Sonic has been doing similar things. And now he is going to be using a sword when how many tales could they have used instead. And he has also had a story that includes a princess - something no one would expect from Sonic. Its not a bad thing that they are taking some ideas from another popular series, and Zelda seems to be the best since its not really a competitor for Sonic games and therefore wont look like direct coping, for example if Sonic ate something and grew bigger or had to travel through paintings, we would know that he was taking ideas from Mario.
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In short terms, practically nothing is opriginal because virtually everyone is now contained ion a dome of clicheness. Everything has already been done.
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I'm waiting for Treasure Island as the next big book Sonic goes in lol
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I'll only admit that Sonic is ripping off Link when he gets a hookshot-like device or a boomerang.
I agree with DVB, there really is 'nothing ne under the sun.'
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The setting and story was never Sonic's problem. It was the poor gameplay that ruined him.
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Then that would only inarguably apply to Sonic 2006.
Sonic Adventure 1+2 were solid games with varied and fun gameplay.
Heroes had good gameplay spoiled by poor collision detection and camera.
The only real flaw with the Rush games are the chances to die via pits if you're not familiar with level layout.
Secret Rings made the mistake of coupling gradually improving controls with a rapidly steepening difficulty curve; but is otherwise sweet.
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Shadow_tH was also a pretty good game (if not a bit confusing with some poor design choices thrown in).
I personally didn't care for Heroes, because the constant character-switching felt forced and abdruptly halted to go to different segments of each level. Still, it was a good game.
I would still like to play '06, just so I can form my own opinion about it. Based upon videos I've seen, the controls don't seem to be that bad (though the camera does mess up in a number of spots).
To me, Secret Rings was Sega's first attemtp at delving into this style of on-rails gameplay. Black Knight should be an improvement with notable refining to some of the more outrageous portions of Secret Rings (backpedaling, gold medals, tight camera, sidling, cylindrical progression).
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S06 played like rubbish, it looks good in video because people are usually playing round the mistakes, when you play it for the first time you do find yourself dyeing from pressing forward when the game is playing by itself.
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I love it how there taking "the first steps" by seemingly making all the same mistakes as in the past. AWESOME!
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it's funny.
recently I can't really stand playing any of the Genisis games on Sonic Mega collection, but when I pop in a game like Sonic Heroes i'm actually enjoying it.
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I would hardly say they're making many mistakes. Unleashed returns to 2d gameplay (with short bits of SecretRings-style running), something most fans can unanimously agree upon.
Chronicles seems like it will be a great RPG (and a difficult one if the videos I've seen are to be believed). People complain that Sonic won't be fast, but its an rpg. Nobody complained when the paper mario games came along (not including SPM, which deviated greatly from established gameplay).
Black Knight, regardless of the cliche plot I'm sure it'll have, can only improve upon Secret Rings' design.
As an aside, those of who who say Sonic is ripping off Link need to take a look at what Link ripped off of. If you trace medieval roots back farenough you will come to D&D, Tolkien, and Arthurian legend. It would seem that Link is really the one copying.
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Sonic is too fast now days, makes most of the game more a video than a game. There's more gameplay in MGS4 then the new Sonic games.