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New Pokémon Platform Project [Check Page 4]
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Hey Everyone! long time without posting something new, so I decided to start my new project (check the new tittle if you don't know what project is Tongue)

So, the first Pokémon that I made was the first of the Pokedex (great! Defeated), so, here it is:
[Image: Bulbasaur-22.png]
[Image: Bulbasaur-21.png]

Both Sides are different, in some way (maybe the shadows?),

So please comment, rate, say what you want, if it so so but so bad that you can't even look at it, tell me what I need to do to improve it (but not going into the same stuff again),

If everything is ok (or will be after some changes), I can continue with some more, but don't expect something so fabulous as Osama's death ok?

Hope you like it and just that Big Grin
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there isnt much left to say on this, besides it being ok.

at least this is fine. have you fixed that original sprite in the first post?
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I didn't :/

I wanted to start from Scratch this new project, I think Anatomy is not for me Tongue

But I can make some Trainer Sprites someday Smile

That can be part of the Project, I guess,

Thanks for asking and Rating =)
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if you are starting from scratch discarding everything else before, you might as well reconsider that anatomy is essensial to anything you do(and it applies to non-human characters as well)

the more you evade your problems the more they will stack on your back.
You're right... I can take that Sprite as a Practice, right?

So, here you can give me C&C so I can improve my skills =)

Well, I did some minor changes to That Sprite, not sooo big changes (it has almost the same and everything) but like almost everyone told me, it'd be better to restart it but I'm not going to Tongue

[Image: AshKetchum34.png]
Yeah... the same Tongue (boring)

I know, black lines, bad anatomy and more, but the change isn't big, I didn't give it any Pixel Art Techniques, so it's gonna be ugly forever (like Cinderella Big Grin),

I don't know what more to say, I don't expect you like it more than before, but just look at it till you get bored...

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Listen kid, if your not going to take everybody's advice and fix it the way it needs to be, then why post it?

Nobody is going to like it.
If you want to get into spriting then you have to be prepared to take harsh criticism and learn from it.
it's an improvement, but it won't do.
as you pointed out, restarting this would be better. except you don't want to. you don't want to and you make a point of saying that it will stay ugly forever (like cinderella). that kind of attitude will not make you improve.
i'll close this thread to make you reconsider your position, there isn't much point of us trying to help you if you decline it, especially as the point of creating a thread here is to get feedback and more precisely, help.
[Image: x1aIZ2e.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]

Thanked by: Gors, isael-21, Marth
i know the thread's closed and all now, but i hope it's okay if i toss my two cents in to help you reconsider:

when we "start over" it's not the end of the world - believe me, it isn't as daunting as it sounds and in the world of art, no one ever gets it right the first time. I can't remember how many times I've drawn/sprited the same thing over and over, starting over because I can't get the original idea looking how I imagined.
Look at it this way - IF and WHEN you do restart it, it'll only take half of the time because you've got the right palette and half the base there other words, you have an idea of what you want to do

And with the advice from these guys, you can apply some of the new techniques that've been discussed (for example, the basic skeleton base - which is very helpful, and I looked into it for you - Ash is a little more than 5 heads tall, maybe 5 1/4 or 1/2?)

but don't give up -- we've all gotta start somewhere, guy Smug
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!

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