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by Cyrus Annihilator
Added in Heroes of Might and Magic III (1º post):

Misc: Creatures portraits, Mouse cursors, Resources, Mines.
Heroes: Portraits, Battle, Adventure, Boat, Flags.
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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I love you Paola! For you, I could rip God of War 3 with a photography camera!

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (PC - 1997)
[Image: gameabesoddysee.png]
playable char: [Image: abeico.png] misc: [Image: abecloseupico.png]

Friend:[Image: elumico.png] Foes: [Image: batico.png] [Image: glukkoniv.png] [Image: paramiteico.png] [Image: scrabico.png] [Image: sligico.png] [Image: slogico.png]
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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(08-30-2011, 09:51 PM)Cyrus Annihilator Wrote: I love you Paola! For you, I could rip God of War 3 with a photography camera!
[Image: gameabesoddysee.png]

playable char: [Image: abeico.png] misc: [Image: abecloseupico.png]

*ripped from PC version

Woah, cool. How'd you manage to do that?
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Carpaccio, I used a decoder made from a guy named Paul. You can download in his site. He says it works for "Abe's Exoddus" too.
Using this tools, I riped the Elums and the enemies (inclusive the Glukkons), it’s in the previous post. Please, people who finished the game, check if the sheets are complete, I think they are.
The tool made by Paul extract the backgrounds too, but I don't have interest to get them togheter and publish.
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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Heroes of Might and Magic (PC - 1995)
[Image: gameheroes1.png]

[Image: h1heroesportico.png] [Image: h1barbarianico.png] [Image: h1knightico.png] [Image: h1sorceressico.png] [Image: h1warlockico.png] [Image: h1boatico.png] [Image: h1flagsico.png] [Image: h1tentico.png]

[Image: archerico.png] [Image: cavalryico.png] [Image: centaurico.png] [Image: cyclopsico.png] [Image: dragonico.png] [Image: druidicop.png] [Image: dwarfico.png] [Image: elficof.png] [Image: gargoyleico.png] [Image: genieico.png] [Image: ghostico.png] [Image: goblinico.png] [Image: griffinico.png] [Image: hydraico.png] [Image: minotaurico.png] [Image: nomadico.png] [Image: ogreico.png] [Image: orcico.png] [Image: paladinico.png] [Image: peasantico.png] [Image: phoenixico.png] [Image: pikemanico.png] [Image: rogueico.png] [Image: spriteico.png] [Image: swordsmanico.png] [Image: trollico.png] [Image: unicornico.png] [Image: wolfico.png]

[Image: townkngtico.png] [Image: townbarbico.png] [Image: townsorcico.png] [Image: townwrlkico.png]

[Image: h1battlebkgico.png] [Image: h1puzzleico.png] [Image: artifactsico.png] [Image: h1spellsico.png] [Image: h1effectsico.png] [Image: h1catapultico.png] [Image: h1skillsico.png] [Image: h1mouseico.png] [Image: h1timeico.png]

[Image: dBfnL.gif] THAT’S EVERYTHING (that matters)!!!
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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Heroes of Might and Magic III
3 new submitions in MISC: Effects, Time, Luck/Morale. (in the first post)
That will be all for these sections, now I'll post just UNITS (what really matters). There are almost 150 different units, I'll put them all in that post too and they will be submitted by faction (see creatures portraits sheet), starting with Castle (the Archangel is already there).
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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Whew, lot of great work here. Good going, keep it up! Smile
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
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This topic is blowing my mind. Will save soon.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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(09-05-2011, 12:18 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: This topic is blowing my mind. Will save soon.

Thanks Tonberry and Jetters, I'll let it cool down for now 'cause I'm going back to SNES. Besides, the Heroes of M&M 3 submitions takes more time, moreover since I'll post 7 or 14 at once.
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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Going to start uploading all of these soon - sorry about such a huge delay, been so busy lately. Going to get my girlfriend, Tigerlily, to upload these. Big Grin
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
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I miss the time when I had a roommate I could pay for her services with some chocolate or RPG sessions

So who's going to upload? Ton or Dazz?
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Dazz beat me to it.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Older men are slower *nods*

So, Cyrus, what about this Batman outline in your sig? It's coming along nicely? *likes comics*
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Thanks Dazz! What a huge upload!!! I'm glad to be part of it.

Ultimecia, it's from Batman Forever (SNES), I think It's almost done, you can see in the SNES forum.
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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Heroes of Might and Magic II (PC - 1996)
[Image: gameheroes2.png]

[Image: archer1ico.png] [Image: archer2ico.png] [Image: boarico.png] [Image: cavalry1ico.png] [Image: centaurico.png] [Image: cyclopsico.png] [Image: druid1ico.png] [Image: druid2ico.png] [Image: dwarf1ico.png] [Image: dwarf2ico.png] [Image: elemairico.png] [Image: elemearthico.png] [Image: elemfireico.png] [Image: elemwaterico.png] [Image: elf1ico.png] [Image: elf2ico.png] [Image: gargoyleico.png] [Image: giant2ico.png] [Image: goblinico.png] [Image: golem2ico.png] [Image: halflingico.png] [Image: lich1ico.png] [Image: lich2ico.png] [Image: mage1ico.png] [Image: mage2ico.png] [Image: medusaico.png] [Image: minotaur1ico.png] [Image: minotaur2ico.png] [Image: nomadico.png] [Image: ogre1ico.png] [Image: ogre2ico.png] [Image: orc1ico.png] [Image: orc2ico.png] [Image: paladin1ico.png] [Image: paladin2ico.png] [Image: peasantico.png] [Image: phoenixico.png] [Image: pikeman1ico.png] [Image: pikeman2ico.png] [Image: rocico.png] [Image: rogueico.png] [Image: spriteico.png] [Image: swordsman1ico.png] [Image: swordsman2ico.png] [Image: troll1ico.png] [Image: troll2ico.png] [Image: vampire1ico.png] [Image: vampire2ico.png] [Image: zombie2ico.png]
[Image: h2townbarbico.png] [Image: h2townkngtico.png] [Image: h2townnecroico.png] [Image: h2townsorcico.png] [Image: h2townwrlkico.png] [Image: h2townwzrdico.png]

[Image: heroes2advico.png] [Image: heroes2boatico.png] [Image: portraits_icon.png]

[Image: d3sbm.png]

[Image: cHhuU.gif]
You only finish a game when you rip its sprites.
Sprite sheet is a sticker album that depends only on your efforts to be fill. | | |
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