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Solatorobo: Ripping Request maybe?
Maybe indeed. I've had an attempt going through the stupendous amount of files from the ROM image with TileGGD, and Tahaxan has no idea what the files are that the game uses, which would be the filetype ".ccb".

So I'm kinda stumped. I know the game is a mixture of sprites and textures (For models). So far the most I've managed to obtain is the icon...
[Image: solatoroboison.png]
But only 'cus one of the tools let me save the icon as a .png :3c

Now if you don't want to piece together the sheets, that's fine, I'll gladly do it instead and put credit where credit is due (Hell, I'm sure it'll take less time than what I did for Touhou Hisouten and Hisoutensoku...). So long as you tell me how ;P I don't care if I have to use tools to extract the sprites if you can work out how to actually extract the data from the .ccb's c:
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- Unpack the .ccb files with the latest version of NinUnpack.
- Decompress the resulting files with DSDecmp.
- Dump the textures from any resulting nsbtx/nsbmd file with NSBTXExtractor.

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(08-05-2011, 02:41 PM)Barubary Wrote: - Decompress the resulting files with DSDecmp.

Being a derp, how do I do this? I knwo what it does, just not how to get it to do that? Do I open it? Do I drag stuff into it? I'm a little confused ^^;
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One way would be to drag a folder onto the program, which generates a new folder with the same name plus '_dec' at the end, which contains the decompressed files. Alternatively, use the command line;
Not giving the 'OUTFILE' overwrites the input file with the decompressed version. Not giving the 'OUTFOLDER' generates the new folder with '_dec' at the end.
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(08-06-2011, 05:10 AM)Barubary Wrote: One way would be to drag a folder onto the program, which generates a new folder with the same name plus '_dec' at the end, which contains the decompressed files. Alternatively, use the command line;
Not giving the 'OUTFILE' overwrites the input file with the decompressed version. Not giving the 'OUTFOLDER' generates the new folder with '_dec' at the end.

Thank you, I'm roaring away through now (:
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