08-30-2011, 09:16 AM
Project development information and updates:
BMW #2 Development/Update Progress
Let's sum this up, we're working on a 'sequel' to a famous doujin game based off TYPE-MOON's works called Battle Moon Wars. The sequel will be a mod of sorts.
Why then sprite artists required?:
-We need you! We;re currently in the midst of putting in new characters and adding new attacks, etc to the old characters and we are in a dire lack of spriters! So only you we can rely on!
-Any Spriter is welcome, as long as they can work well in the team
-Willing to tolerate constant edits that might be needed
-Willing to pop by our IRC room.
Where to Find us?:
-PM me on this forum...
-Or find us at IRC highway, the channel will be #BMW2.
We hope to see you wonderful people there! And please, help us spread the love by adding these icons on your sig: