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Tales of Left Out
For those Tales fans out there, you may/probably know about the Tales of the World (TotW) games and the sprite style, although more may be familiar with TotW: Radiant Mythology. Anywho, since RM2 is coming soon (with 50 characters, about 2.5 times the amount in the first one), I decided to sort of celebrate that by giving the Tales characters not in Narikiri Dungeon 3 their own sprites in the style. I'm also doing this to keep myself in the spriting mood.

In short: Characters from Tales of Rebirth and onward will, eventually, be put into TotW sprite style.

+ For the most part, this is a personal project since there probably aren't many people around here who sprite in TotW style. But if you'd like to offer assistance, you're more than welcome to lend a hand.
+ Also if you'd like to sprite a neutral/villain character from any of the Tales games that isn't already in the style, like Yuan or Asch, then you can do that as well. More the merrier!
+ I use photobucket and just save over older versions of a file, so you might have to refresh to see some latest updates.

EDIT: My PS2 is gone; I was using that to reference characters, but since I can't do that...I won't be contributing to this project unless I feel like sitting through hundreds of YouTube videos. But I'll leave this project open for those who are willing to contribute anyway.

Tales of Rebirth
[Image: rebirth.png]
Veigue Lungberg (Sample done)
Mao (Done, on tSR, may need edits)
Eugene Gallardo (Sample done)
Annie Barrs (Sample done)
Tytree Crowe
Hilda Rhambling (Sample done)

Tales of Legendia
[Image: legendia.png]
Senel Coolidge
Shirley Fennes
Will Raynard
Chloe Valens
Norma Beatty
Moses Sandor
Grune (*Update: Idle done)

Tales of the Abyss
[Image: abyss.png]
Luke fon Fabre
Tear Grants
Jade Curtiss (Sample done)
Anise Tatlin (Sample done, needs improvements)
Guy Cecil (Sample done)
Natalia Kimlasca Lanvaldear

Tales of Innonence
Ruca Milda
Iria Animi
Spada Belforma
Ricardo Soldato
Ange Serena
Hermana Larmo

Tales of Vesperia
Yuri Lowell
Flynn Scifo
Rita Mordio
Karol Capel

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World characters?
Tales of Hearts characters?
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Good luck. I would help, but I've never done the style.
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Guy Cecil is mah homeboy. Do him next for Awesome Points.
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It might just be me, but Dist appears a bit too tall. Even though he's sitting down, he's nearly the size of Jade.
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Yes, Do Guy. Or Luke. Both are awesome. =D
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I can offer some assistance, AG Heart

(Some. Probably not a ton)
[Image: tumblr_lctx1p6L3L1qzvjn8o1_500.gif]
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If you haven't realized it by now, I'm very slow.

But Guy's sample is done. So those who wanted to see him can now see him.
EDIT: In regards to Dist: yeah, he is a big large. I shrunk him a bit, but I want to scale down his chair as well before I show the latest version.
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His blade is short, almost looks like a dagger.

Other than that, looks awesome.
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wow. these sprites amaze me.
brb crying over evangelion 3.0
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Thats what I get for referencing Zelos's sword. Sword's fixed now.

Expect another character sample later today.
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Looks a lot better now.

I've been messing around with the style, mind if I try Yuri?
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Go right ahead.

As for that second character sample I said I'd have, well....put that down as an eventually. I'll do it whenever.
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[Image: legendia.png]
New character added, which I'll actually be sheeting since spell casters are easy to sheet. Tongue
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Nice Grune~
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Quality control is on
[Image: gruneani2.gif]
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