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01-08-2012, 02:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2012, 12:24 AM by TomGuycott.)
tsrBound: How Sponge Saved Christmas
-Make Checklist: Done!
-Fill out Checklist: ...
What is it?: A tongue-in-cheek "fangame" of sorts that started out as an idea for a Secret Santa gift for Sponge (that I wasn't able to finish) that would also serve as a massive spreading of forum Love. The game is being designed in Multimedia Fusion 2, the sprites consisting of a variety of edited Earthbound/Mother sprites.
Gameplay: The gameplay is being designed with an overworld resembling Earthbound, but the battle mechanics are action based (since I can't currently design RPG mechanics as well as action). There are still RPG elements involved such as equipment and gaining higher stats as you progress through battles successfully.
As of now, Sponge has five available, upgradable weapons (based on Minecraft):
1. Sword: Swinging fires a "sword beam" in a pattern determined by the sword's current upgrade.
2. Axe: Swings in a short, vertical distance for higher power.
3. Hoe: Swings in a wide, horizontal slash for lower power.
4. Pick: Swings around in a circle, hitting all angles around Sponge in a short range. Can reflect certain attacks.
5. Shovel: Digs up debris that bound upward in an arc.
In addition to standard HP and PP stats, there will be a third point called GP (Guts Points). Every physical attack Sponge performs drains GP, and having low or no GP greatly diminishes effects of physical attacks (Sword attacks losing their beams for example). Sponge can also dash in the battle screen at the cost of GP. GP gradually recovers while Sponge stands still.
Sponge will also have PK abilities available, though not many have been fully fleshed out. They will contain a variety of offensive and defensive techniques, some unique ones learned from certain bosses.
Other Characters?: At first the only playable character was going to be Sponge, but since this never got finished for Christmas I've been debating whether to include other characters to make a party for the Story Mode of the game. I have a few ideas that might work, but I'd also love any feedback.
For now the project is going to be moving RELATIVELY slowly (I work full time and this time of year is hectic at the job). However, I really enjoy making silly games like this, so when I do have opportunities to work on this I can get a decent amount done. These two spoiler tags contain most of the tangible work that's been done for the game (besides the actual engine, which I can't quite post yet).
1a. The Pixel Police blocked your path!
-Captain Gors is taking aim!... and fires!
-Captain Gors chucks a battery!
-Captain Gors used Gatling Head! Wild Fire!!
-Commander Metaru used a Chainsaw!
-Commander Metaru is driving a car!
-Commander Metaru is dispersing pixels!
1b. The Pixel Police mean business!
-Adrenaline-Fueled Gors punches wildly!
-Adrenaline-Fueled Gors uses PK Bullethead
-Adrenaline-Fueled Gors chucks countless batteries!
-Tyrant Metaru chucks a Taxi!
-Tyrant Metaru lunges!
-Tyrant Metaru takes a bite!
Music: Hustle for Pride
2. A naked Frenchman runs by!
-Streaker2Balls flashes you!
-Streaker2Balls fires a Patriotic Beam!
-Streaker2Balls hurls a Croissant!
Music: The Jolly Flying Man
3a. Phantom K is haunting you!
-Fancy Phantom K disappeared!
-Fancy Phantom K blows smoke!
-Fancy Phantom K exudes an Ectopixel!
Music: Otherworldly Foe
4a. Solink challenges you!
-Solink lifts his gloves... and counters!
-Solink closes the gap!
4b. Solink is super charged!
-Super Charged Solink leaps up high!
-Super Charged Solink smashes the ground!
-Super Charged Solink uses PK KO
-Music: Mr Batty Twist
5a. A mysterious force is trapping you!
-??? plays a riff!
-??? has a solo!
-??? used PK Shang Tsung!
5b. Ant19831983 is pumped up!
-It's Ant19831983! What a solo!!
-Ant19831983 swings his axe!
-Ant19831983 used PK Shao Kahn!
Music: Serious
6. Guy looks nervous!
-Guy throws some knives! - Vertical drop knives
-Guy juggles knives! - Wave pattern knife
-Guy does a dance! - Confusion
6b. Guy looks confident! Guy boards a grappler ship!
-Grappler Ship Guy throws swords! - Direct aim
-Grappler Ship Guy charges! -Movement
-Grappler Ship Guy fires all cannons! - Preset Direction Shots
Music: Battle against a Mobile Opponent
7. Altrez looks suspicious!
-Altrez grins... - Teleport
-Altrez is laughing at you! - Slow down
-Altrez swipes! - Path clawing
7b. Altrez has rabies!
-Rabid Altrez laughs at you! - Slow Down
-Rabid Altrez grins... - Teleport
-Rabid Altrez used PK Rabies! - Repeated path clawing
-Norman eats you for breakfast! - Giant gnashing teeth
-Norman hurls Thor's Hammer! - Direct shot
-Norman charges! - Path movement
Music: Sanctuary Guardian
8. [Robo9] is pressing charges!
-[Robo9] swings his sword! - Crossing path slices
-[Robo9] Calls Gors! - Fighter Gors Combo
-[Robo9] Calls Mighty! - Fighter Mighty Combo
-[Robo9] Calls Vipershark! - Fighter Vipershark Combo
8b.Heavily Armed [Robo9] wants revenge!
-Heavily Armed [Robo9] swirls his swords! - Circular attack with path movement blades
-Heavily Armed [Robo9] Calls Gors! - Fighter Gors Combo
-Heavily Armed [Robo9]Calls Mighty! - Fighter Mighty Combo
-Heavily Armed [Robo9]Calls Vipershark! - Fighter Vipershark Combo
-Heavily Armed [Robo9] fires wildly! - Homing bullet sweep
Music: Battle against a Machine
9. Old Man Cerberus is the intro battle!
-Old Man Cerberus sniffs around - Nothing
-Old Man Cerberus gets snarky - Drains GP
-Old Man Cerberus gores you! - Path movement from below
9b. Natural Killer Cerberus is fully charged!
-Natural Killer Cerberus hurls a boulder! - Giant X-homing projectile
-Natural Killer Cerberus fires grenades! - Multiple X homing projectiles
-Natural Killer Cerberus fires a machine gun! - Multiple horizontal sweeps
-Natural Killer Cerberus is charging... / fires a life-ending beam! - Full Screen
Music: Natural Killer Cyborg
10. Zadaben is well lit.
-Zadaben charges...
-Zadaben forms an electric shield!
-Zadaben discharges!
10b.Lord Zadaben is well armed!
-Lord Zadaben magnetizes!
-Lord Zadaben discharges massively!
-Lord Zadaben used PK Thunder!
Music: Battle against a Weird Opponent
11. Tom Guycott
-Tom Guycott
-Tom Guycott
-Tom Guycott
11b. Tom Guycott is the Final Boss!?
-Final Boss Tom Guycott
-Final Boss Tom Guycott
-Final Boss Tom Guycott
-Final Boss Tom Guycott
-Final Boss Tom Guycott
Music: Even More Intense Guys
12. O'share Bones
Music: And yet, El Mariachi
13. FishinSpace
Music: Fight with Mecha Drago
14. Vipershark
Music: GENEwhatever
15. Strasteo
-Radiohead Strasteo
-Steampunk Strasteo
Music: Kraken of the Sea
16. Previous
-Microscopic Previous
-Macroscopic Previous and Previous Pony
Music: Battle against Belch
17. Sol
Music: Battle Against an Unsettling Opponent
18. Mighty Jetters
Music: F-F-Fire!
19. Omega
Music: Fun Bazaar
20. Masquerain
Music: Monkey's Delivery Service
21. DemonLemon
Music: Accelerando
22. Jdaster64
Music: Bean Bean Pork Bean
23. JustIce
24. Ceey
Music: Even Drier Guys
25. Koopaul
Music: Family Matters
26. Perseus
Music: Formidable Foe
27. TKGB
Music: Try Kind of Hard!
28. McMaxxis
Music: Tragic Reconstruction
29. Tellis
Music: Wasteful Anthem
30. Baegal
Music: Hi Hi Hi
31. Yo-Yo Boy
Music: Strong One
32. CrappyBlueLuigi
Music: Battle against a Weak Opponent
I'm not looking for major help in the way of engine building, but I'm open for suggestions on design if anyone has any. Also if you don't like the way your reference (or in any effect YOU) are being represented in the game, I can make changes or remove a given character from the game if need be. This is just for fun, I don't want to bother anybody by including them when they don't want to be.
One thing I might want more suggestions on are creatures or characters that could serve as basic enemies in battles between boss fights. The only one I have so far is the Creeper from Minecraft.
Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi, Perseus, Garamonde, Altrez, Zadaben, Helmo, Chris2Balls [:B], redblueyellow, Yo-Yo Boy, sponge7325, Shade, Jdaster64, Demonlemon, Lexou Duck, TheGreatGatsby, ThePortalGuru
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01-08-2012, 03:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2012, 03:04 AM by [robo9].)
How about Arthur? I'm sure a flying demon folder could work as a generic enemy. Maybe some poor and obvious splices between two unedited Earthbound characters labeled as "Awful Sprite Edit"
Also this may be a tad nitpicky, but the"r" in [robo9] isn't capitalized in any circumstance, even when general grammatical rules call for it. (Such as when it is the first word in a sentence)
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On the note of awful sprite edits, you could have a sonic fan character as an enemy.
I really want to view your sprites but I haven't played EB so it would be spoilers. >_>
As a side note, I love how I'm presented so you don't have to change much about me.
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You could add spambots and request spammers as basic enemies too.
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You could have mini-versions of the bosses, also maybe non-user TSR characters, just characters that other users made up.
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spider tachikoma is god tier btw
This is a fantastic idea and you should be proud of yourself.
I see my name~
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Just-ice grooms self thoroughly
defense plus 200
Music: battle against an unsettling opponent
if my comp wasn't busted I could compose some tracks for this :C
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Added a few new enemies (and caught an embarrassing mistake in my notes that I'll fix later).
![[Image: whY1b.png]](
SHADEBZ I just decided to randomly on short notice after a recent posting of his ref. Yo-Yo Boy actually was already made as a boss, but he didn't have a visible ref, he was just inside the tanks (as an Advance Wars reference). Crappy Blue Luigi is mostly just a recolor with an outline added, but is both the smallest AND the largest boss (as Grandiose Blue Luigi), and he is also the only enemy with a death animation (aside from just disappearing).
That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
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01-09-2012, 12:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2012, 02:57 PM by sponge7325.)
A game a out me, its all I ever dreamed about.
Oh, and I do have 2 Suggestions for some Non-tSR enemys:
Intro: A wild Endermen attacked!
Endermen gave you an icy stare! - Causes Solidified
Endermen threw a Stone Block! - Causes a medium amount of damage
Endermen teleported! - Increases chances of missing. This can be bypassed by using a Fishing Rod.
Exit: Enderman went up in flames! - Sometimes burns the player.
Note: Endermen are vulnerable when hit with Water based attacks or when a Bucket of Water item is used on them.
Note 2: If you don't attack the Enderman on a turn, it will simply not notice you, therefore not making it attack.
Huge Slime:
Intro: A huge Slime blocked your way!
Huge Slime threw a Slimeball at you! - Causes Disrupted Concentration
Huge Slime jumped on you! - Causes a medium amount of damage most of the time.
Huge Slime solidified! - Causes the Huge Slimes Defence to raise.
Exit: Huge Slime stopped moving!
I diddent have many ideas for attacks, so you can add more ideas for attacks if you wish.
EDIT: More ideas!
Intro: A wild Skeleton attacked!
Skeleton shot a barrage of arrows! - Each arrow does a little less than medium damage.
Skeleton shot a flaming arrow! - Inflicts medium damage and causes the Burnt effect.
Skeleton started hopping around! - Increases chances of missing
Exit: Skeleton stopped moving!
Intro: The Enderdragon attacked!
The Enderdragon shot some fireballs! - Each fireball does a little less than high damage and causes Burn.
The Enderdragon called in some Endermen! - Makes 2 Endermen appear in battle to protect the Enderdragon.
The Enderdragon flew into a rage! - Increases the Enderdragons attack by 3.
The Enderdragon charged! - If the Enderdragon hits the player, it causes high damage.
The Enderdragon teleported! - Increases chances of missing. This can be bypassed by using a Fishing Rod.
Exit: The Enderdragon was deleted from the code!
Note: Snowballs can momentarily stun the Enderdragon.
Enderman: Battle Against a Mobile Opponent
Skeleton - Battle Against a Weird Opponent
Enderdragon - Tragic Reconstruction
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Can I still use the tanks?
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01-11-2012, 12:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2012, 12:48 AM by TomGuycott.)
You're still in the tanks, you start out out of them in the first fight, and end up out of them in the second.
Attempted Enderman (with and without block), Enderman Deluxe, Enderdragon, Skeleton, and Slenderman (For no real reason other than to be creepy).