(01-17-2012, 01:07 PM)HandToeKnee Wrote: Or you could just ZSNES emulator with vSNES tile viewer.
Here's one I did earlier 
![[Image: dixiebarrel.png]](http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5711/dixiebarrel.png)
There's a problem with this though which is exactly the point that seems to be ignored when people make sprite sheets like this for player characters in games.
Since the barrel itself has different frames for it's being held animation and being carried animation. Hence it bobs up and down as it's being carried and there's maybe 2-3 frames of it being done. along with it's being put down and rotated frames.
Placing the barrel acurately behind dixie kong's sprite when using programming code, is difficult.
You have to basically know the exact offset of where the barrel needs to be displayed for every frame, and then draw it in those positions offset to dixie's actual world coordinates location.
In programming terms this means you have to set your offsets for the barrel sprite frames coupled with dixie's carrying/walking with it and putting the barrel down frames.
So that instead of the barrel being in the same position on each of these frames it moves in the right way and is animated in the right way as dixie moves.
They may have accomplished this on the snes but it's alot easier to just have the barrel as part of dixie's sprite to begin with.
That way you only have to worry about object placement in two frames.
The frame where dixie picks it up.
The frame where dixie puts it down..
And this is the first, and last frame. in that order for the above.
I'll try to make a diagram to explain.
see below
I had a lot of crap typed out then it glitched on me and I lost the rest.
I'll try again.
The issue with this as you can see in the last frame, next frame example is that the coordinates for the crate in those two frames are extremely different.
You can't just assume that the crates Y and X coordinates will always be dixie's X and Y plus a certain amount for every frame.
Since, the position of dixie in each frame actually changes the position of the crates/barrels in game.
In order for this to work using code you'd have to set up some kind of table telling the game engine you're designing exactly where the object sits at each frame for each of dixie's interactions with objects, and facing both ways since it'll be different for those two.
Usually we use a table of some sorts to solve this. The problem is... it's tedious.
Here' what a table like this might look like.
note these are hypothetical values
<frame=3> ;for example dixie ducking while just picking the crate up. the y value of the crates offset increases by atleast 10 while she's holding the crate
I hope this example made sense.
If you have any questions about it let me know.