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DKC2 Game Remake/Engine
I'm creating a donkey kong country 2 remake/engine using a programming language called PlayBasic.

There's a youtube video of it posted on my youtube here :


Since it's going to be a remake of donkey kong country 2, and then split into a more flexible game engine afterwords.
There's not much that needs explaining. Unless, you're un familiar with the donkey kong country 2 game for the Super Nintendo.
In which case if you are I highly reccomend picking up a hard copy of it or using other methods of grabbing it such as roms or getting it legitimately via the nintendo Wii's retro title downloads.
Something. Just do something to aquire this game if you haven't played it.
Anyhow , I'm doing a remake of it as best I can and as acuarately as possible but given that I'm not making it on hardware and I'm using a high level coding system. The liklihood it will look or feel exactly the same (For example the scrolling /perspective walls in castle crush in the backdrop use some kind of special frame effect) is not 100%.
I will try to get others to judge how close to the original my demos are and I'll give it an over all average rating based on the votes.
I will only pick people who know the game itself inside out and understand the differences atleast in principal between SNES hardware, and programming in another coding language that is higher level.
YES programming on an snes is HARDER. Why would I remake a game on a console that it's already been made for? :/

Given I don't have a lot of programming experience and that I've never completed a full game project before (Due to team members wandering off or not staying dedicated after three weeks of work) this is going to be a challenge for me.
The toughest part of this is organizing the sprite rips into single images for each frame.

what I need is contributes of each of dixie kong's different actions (and most different sprite frames from the entire game) in specific format of either png or bmp. Each frame must be in a seperate image file. with it's name followed by a number (for the frame number) followed by the file extension.

Like so

This is because I'm loading in each frame as a seperate image in my game engine.
Anyhow. I know I could use a sprite sheet for this and have each frame nicely spaced then load it all using code.
I don't want to do it that way. It might be neater in practice but it is easier to manage especially when you being to face differences with the sprites varying offset positions.

Uhm anyhow. I will keep you guys posted here, and if you really care enough about the project and whether it takes off keep an eye on my youtube.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGRADING THE CODE OR HOW IM MAKING THIS please, ask them in this thread and not on my youtube. It will be much easier to respond to questions that way.

The technicalities of the game engine and what I have so far:

Tonight I have just began coding in some of the barrel system.
It wasn't that hard considering most of the collision code I had for dixie was just a copy/paste which I was able to use for checking the barrels against solid platforms if they were falling. (Yes barrels have gravity and they fall already in the engine)

Dixie can pick up a barrel and walk with it. Her walking animation for carrying a barrel isn't coded in yet but the frames that show her picking up the barrel are.
I ran into an issue with collision where dixie will be near or on the barrel but she wont pick it up because the hit detection for whether she is touching a barrel object or not while facing right is only a single pixel.
I have to find a way to change that. It won't be too hard.

dixie can platform and helicopter, she can fall or helicopter fall. She can jump. So she can do basic platforming things. walk, jump, helicopter fall.
If she stops helicoptering she begins falling at a faster speed (just like in the original)

I have one scrolling paralax background.

Right now in the demo there are three modes.
Technically only two.

Mode 1 is Collision mode but the game engine starts up in view mode meaning you have to actually click on collision mode to activate it.
In collision mode you can use the arrow keys to scroll around the level, the left mouse button to place solid platform blocks. And the right mouse button to place dixie's coordinates.

In Mode 2 which is PLAY mode. You can play as dixie jump, spin jump, fall fast, land on platforms, and move left and right. Soon she will be able to pick up barrel objects, throw them, and even put them back down. and jump while holding them.
She will be able to throw barrel objects up and down just like in the original dkc2 game.

As for the engine itself.
It doesn't include very much outside of those things.
And most of the code it uses is hard coded into the game there's no real object system that comes inherently as part of playbasic like say compared to C++
There is a user defined type system and with some smart coding you can create your own object management.
But i'd rather do it this way to start because although it's difficult to maintain code having everything just coded in one giant string. It is easier to modify things and search for values. I dont have to open 3 different tabs in my IDE to find one coding issue.
And since playbasic is higher level than C++ I can get away with more tricks such as not worrying about object type safety .
INfact, in playbasic objects can inheret other objects of indifferent types as long as the values are passed and transferred correctly in a user defined function which you have to call.
Another thing is so long as your not working within a function, everything is local to everything else so you dont have to worry about scope as much.

And you can draw images directly to the screen without having to go through the trouble of learning another 2d image processor plugin or dll.

That's about it check in for more and make sure you comment and tell me your thoughts!
Thanked by:

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