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Gamedev Lounge 0010
Not exactly to that extent but yeah. If I'm like playing games and such I say to myself I'll program a bit so that I've done something, then I spend the rest of the day coding as much as possible.
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I'm considering a TSR game based on a concept I'd been keeping for a while.
I have a concept image to set the theme for the game, I have a rough layout for story and a basic idea of gameplay, how much should I flesh this out to make a thread here?
[Image: 9Qd6f.png]
the point in this being a TSR game is the story in between the plot and major plot twist is guided by TSR characters, so everyone could help with their own plot element or world building, some characters maybe even becoming key parts of the gameplay mechanics.

long story short,
something tragic happens and someone makes a pact with the moon, they get the power to avenge what they've lost but when their done the moon will take their body for its own.
The moon makes the player a darkling, a living shadow, they can shape their body to whatever they have witnessed (bosses you've beaten), you hunt down classic horror monster archetypes like werewolves, scarecrows, skeletons, etc. in beating them you can take their form and use their abilities to aid you. (hence some TSR characters being part of the main character, if pitched with an interesting enough platforming gimmick ofc.)
the ending a typical betrayal, the moon was in on it all along, trapped in the moon it needed a body to return to the world, so it organised your tragedy so you would make the deal, all (or at least most) platforming gimmicks will play part in defeating the moon and trapping it once again in the night sky.

I mainly want to flesh out the world, where horror archetypes fill the world and deities in power of nature itself fill the sky.
I can't fill in the blanks myself, that would be 1 dimensional and boring, but a group project would quickly fill out a diverse and wonderful world, the game then rewarding exploration with a sense of something bigger, and if all goes to plan, a lore worth expanding.
Thanked by: Shade, Mag, puggsoy, Phaze, Kami, Mabelma
This instantly popped into my head when I saw that image.

[Image: Sword-Sworcery-EP-Guide-048.jpg]

Sounds cool though. I also have an idea for a TSR game (don't we all?) although I have no time to make it right now and would need someone willing to sprite pretty much everything.

Anyway good luck with that, might actually turn out to be the first finished TSR game (not counting Previous's "interactive animations").
Thanked by: Phaze
(01-17-2013, 02:49 AM)puggsoy Wrote: Anyway good luck with that, might actually turn out to be the first finished TSR game (not counting Previous's "interactive animations").

We don't want to forget Trollerskaters, do we.
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I wasn't really that serious, it was meant as a joke (although I admit that wasn't obvious). They were games, especially Trollerskaters. But mini-games more than, y'know, an RPG or adventure game or something, that's why I'm not counting them.
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just wait and see

Super Arisa World

just wait and see.......

Actually I'll start working on it once my workload gets smaller and I get more computer time. My sisters have been monopolyzing it lately.

Also talking about making games, I have tried to make games before (see Dancing Potatoes of Evil thread, somewhere in this section) and seeing things taking shape, even if poorly, is great. It's this point where your idea stops being "just an idea" and becomes "something".

Sadly, I am not well versed in programming whatsoever and while I've tried learning some things on my own, it's really difficult without any support and decent classes nearby. This is why I relied on others to get programming done (as I can make graphics, music and design by myself). But this has been proving to be my Achilles's heel for a long time. I don't want to criticize the amazing people who tried to bring life to my works, but 99% of the times, my projects died due to lack of programming progress and unreliability on their part. Thankfully, some people are really hardworking and are really showing their work. This makes me feel incredibly happy: I feel like I'm working in a group instead of dragging everything alone. But I would like to program for real. This way, if my project fails, I'll know it'll be entirely my fault instead of being halted due to others and being unable to work it out. You don't know how sad it makes me when people ask about my projects' progress and I can't do anything other than shrugging and PMing the programmer.

Maybe it sounds selfish, but that's how I feel sometimes.
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If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
Thanked by: puggsoy, Phaze, Kami
If anyone wants to argue that Pong isn't a game

Please, go ahead

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(Non-converted smileys always look so serious.)

Ouch! Sorry, didn't mean it like that. I guess I'm wrong if you put it that way. I think I just always imagine "the first TSR game" to be an RPG or platformer, so your games didn't really define it for me initially. But yeah, I guess that they are games, I wasn't really thinking too hard about it.

Also because I just remembered that Little Inferno is defined as a game, and is probably less game-y than Trollerskates, so yeah. Sorry.

Bombshell, good luck with making the 3rd TSR game!
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Hey I just want to make sure that it's acknowledged that I made the first finished tSR game and once there is a tSR fan wiki* it will have to be mentioned in the tSR games main article

* Yes this is a reference to the Illuminated Brothers. Greetings to all fellow Illuminated Brothers fans :-)
Thanked by: puggsoy, Phaze
(01-16-2013, 09:14 PM)Bombshell93 Wrote: TSR game

I'm not sure how my ref could even fit into that because it's a living shadow already (with different operating rules to your protagonist, too. It's essentially only one member of an entire race), but I'm fine with not being in it if my situation makes it too awkward.

Your concept sounds pretty good, though! Big Grin
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well the way I plan the world is the moon has many people working under it, as such there are many many darklings, but the characters special because of the nature of his contract for becoming a darkling
Thanked by: Phaze
[Image: pxscreenshot2_by_alaingalvan-d5soqkh.png]

My pixel art editor is coming along nicely, added brushes and HSL color support. Cute
could you add a regular size preview? E.G. using GIMP I edit at around 800% zoom, I then need to zoom out and in over and over to swap between seeing what it looks like and editing.
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(01-25-2013, 06:14 PM)Bombshell93 Wrote: could you add a regular size preview? E.G. using GIMP I edit at around 800% zoom, I then need to zoom out and in over and over to swap between seeing what it looks like and editing.

The HS Grid on the top right will also be an editable viewport that you can use for placing palettes or previewing the entire image whenever you want. There'll be buttons for you to specify if you want an HS grid, viewport, or SV grid. Cute

Zooming will be infinite of course. This is being built to be the best pixel art editor anywhere, and will feature layers, animations, custom brushes, tools like a color counter, you name it. Big Grin

EDIT: After thinking about it, I tent to do this a lot as well, zooming in and out over and over again xD. I'm including a Zoom toggle shortcut (Probably the Z key), that'll let you toggle between 1X zoom and whatever zoom you were in previously. Thanks for the suggestion!
What's the purpose
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