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"Hawken is a multiplayer mech combat game. The focus is on creating an intense and enjoyable battle experience that captures the feeling of piloting a heavy war machine while keeping the action fast-paced and strategic."

Been following this game for a while now, and signing up for the beta started today. If this interests you in the least, sign up and spread the word!

Hawken Beta Sign-up:

If you're feeling particularly charitable, they're allowing people into the beta based on whether you've referred three people or not, so if you want to help me out (post if you do, since I only need one more), just sign up using this link instead of the one up above. Post your own referral link as well if you sign up.
My referral link:

It's only a small team too, so you'd be supporting a new game developing studio and what looks to be an awesome game with no cost to you, since it'll be released free to play on 12/12/12.
[Image: carlaazarsignature-1.png]
you're dressed up
look what you've said
but left your insides at home

It's free?

Fuck that, I'm donating all of my money to them anyway.
[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
Thanked by: Strasteo, Shade
Yeah, my friend just showed this to me, it looks fucking fantastic. Kinda wish I could play this, maybe if I get a not craptastic computer by then.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Strasteo
Oh, and by the way, this is the product of a nine-person team.

[Image: Bear2.png]
[Image: tumblr_ljk17tWfME1qd7kbno1_250.gif]
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It's very impressive stuff overall, I would say.

Some people expressed concern with the Free-to-play model and common practice of companies offering more advanced/uber weapons for sale that those who do not buy will not be able to get, but this quote from one of the team members that they posted on the forums is reassuring:

"While I can't say exactly what will be purchasable because we are still working on it, our intention is allow players to purchase greater customization for their mechs and weapons (visually and sometimes functionally,) not to have people buy better or overpowered weapons and armor. Also you will be able to earn points for many upgrades & customization options by playing the game instead of spending money."

Older video with Khang Le, the art director and CEO of Adhesive, the 9-person team explaining some of the mechanics and such:

[Image: carlaazarsignature-1.png]
you're dressed up
look what you've said
but left your insides at home

Thanked by: Gwen, Kitsu
I'd definitely want to play this when it's finished and released. It looks promising, the designs are good (not ground-breaking but yeah) and the Unreal Engine lives up to my expectations. Impatient to see more!
[Image: x1aIZ2e.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]

Thanked by: Strasteo
Woah, this looks like it'll be great! Can't wait to play it.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Strasteo

for those who are still interested in this game

they're currently running a closed alpha (that you might still be able to join) running under an NDA and will end in early October

after which they'll be running a closed beta

and then they're going into OPEN beta on 12/12/12
(so many betas)
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Guys closed beta should be starting fairly soon, so if you wanna get into it you should probably sign up and stuff and maybe you'll get invites.


this game is awesome.
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