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Oh hey
I'm sure glad the system I bought is getting love, Nintendo. Maybe I wont buy the WiiU and just expect all the games to come out on the Wii.

This whole thing is just dumb. Gamefreak should feel ashamed.

[Image: Rrr4r.jpg]
Thanked by: Gwen, Ngamer01
Nintendo probably had good reason for this
I'm sure there's more people who own a DS than a 3DS so by making it playable on both systems means more people can buy it
Thanked by: Garamonde, Tellis, Ngamer01
(02-26-2012, 11:35 AM)Viiper Wrote: I'm sure glad the system I bought is getting love, Nintendo. Maybe I wont buy the WiiU and just expect all the games to come out on the Wii.

This whole thing is just dumb. Gamefreak should feel ashamed.


I'm sure they have big plans for the 3DS in the future, so I say just hold your horses and see what they do with this. I think it'll be great.
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: Viiper
They already came out with Rumble 2 for the 3DS. I have heard that it has been a good game.

The DS'll be like the Gameboy Advance was; keep supporting it for many years after its successor has been released, but slowly fade it out.
**Though mostly inactive on the forums, you can shoot me a PM and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. PM notices get emailed to me!

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Thanked by: Garamonde
To the people who are like "Hey duder, why's this on the DS, not the 3DS?"
Think of it from a technological standpoint. If they wanted this on the 3DS, they would probably have to completely rebuild the game and make it on a new engine, which is something they probably don't want to do for a third/fourth installment to a generation.
Not only that, but they would have to do some serious work to not make a lot of things look like cardboard cutouts, and in addition they'd probably need to remodel all the polygonical stuff so it looks good on the 3DS. I can completely see why they didn't want to put that much work into this. It'd be much more than it was worth.
Thanked by: Garamonde, John2k4
Well Money Man, they have 3d models that look fantastic right there on the 3ds Pokedex. And what your saying is they're to lazy to put effort into a new release. I'd rather wait a bit longer and get something brand new than a recycled game.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: Phantom Killah, Ngamer01
(02-26-2012, 02:04 PM)Radular Bastard Wrote: Well Money Man, they have 3d models that look fantastic right there on the 3ds Pokedex. And what your saying is they're to lazy to put effort into a new release. I'd rather wait a bit longer and get something brand new than a recycled game.

I can completely see your point. I think Nintendo is just thinking differently, and would rather get the third/fourth versions out on a thing that they've got stuff for quickly, rather than have to make a brand new everything. I wouldn't say that they're being lazy, just that they want to wait to put that stuff in the next generation of the game.
Plus, the "2" somewhat implies that it won't just be the same thing again, so there's that. We don't know anything for sure at this point.
However, I don't think this is really a right/wrong thing. You and Nintendo are just thinking differently.
Thanked by: Garamonde
If the 2 does indicate that it will be a different game than that further points that they shouldn't just recycle sprites and work on something that will bring a better experience.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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I'm sort of confused at the whole,

Pokemon fusion thing they've got going on for a cover choice.

[Image: FmY9K.jpg]

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It's probably gonna be something just for Reshiram and Zekrom, but you never know.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by: Garamonde
Well the legend is that a single dragon pokemon split in half and became Zekrom and Reshiram, leaving Kyurem behind. It looks like Kyurem has absorbed one of them in each forme.
[Image: 2003-02-20.gif]
Thanked by: Tellis
From other discussions I've seen about it, I'm pretty sure they're "forms" for Kyurem, a la Giratina, Shaymin, Deoxys etc., where his missing/broken parts are filled in (somehow) by Zekrom or Reshiram. Which is kinda cool, I think. It's original, at least.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Cshad.
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(02-26-2012, 12:35 PM)MoneyMan Wrote: To the people who are like "Hey duder, why's this on the DS, not the 3DS?"
Think of it from a technological standpoint. If they wanted this on the 3DS, they would probably have to completely rebuild the game and make it on a new engine, which is something they probably don't want to do for a third/fourth installment to a generation.

I don't think they'd have to rebuild a completely new engine for a sequel, of all things. The 3DS sports the same ARM9 architecture that the DS/DSi/DSiXL/DSLite used, but obviously at a higher clock speed. Making a quick and dirty port of Black's engine over to the 3DS's SDK would be quite trivial, and they could add onto it/improve it from there.

Besides, it's a sequel, not the next generation. It'd be a shame to throw the old engine out the window over new tech when you could spend less time improving the old one to suit the needs of the next release. Think Sonic CD, Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime 3, etc. Same old engine, just better and updated to cooperate with next gen hardware.

tl;dr, I don't think it's whether repurposing old engines for newer systems are the problem, but putting forth the effort and cost of creating all new visual assets to take advantage of the 3DS's hardware. I agree with you on that point.

Might Jetters Wrote:

I'm of the opinion that the 3DS is crap until they fix a bunch of issues with the design. Like making the battery life not awful (though that might be tough to fix), and making a design that doesn't scratch itself, and moving the stylus slot to somewhere not stupid (though, I guess it being where it is is better for lefties but meh, most people aren't?). Oh also the whole second circle pad thing. That's dumb too.

Plus, it'd be kind of a dick move to make a Pokemon sequel for a newer system, because there's no way they'd communicate easily. So hey, for now I'm glad that it's keeping to the DS. We can leave the fancy dancy 3D models for the inevitable Gen VI.

This, I think they plan on bringing on the 3D when Gen VI comes around. It'll be much more amazing then. two whole new experiences at the same time. I'm sure Game Freak has great plans.

This. It would make sense if they were reserving the 3DS for the next generation. I think the first screenshots, when it happens, will blow our minds to say the least. xD
Thanked by: Garamonde
i remember hearing the developers say that the pokemon games, with the exceptions of spinoffs and such, would never be fully 3D as it would ruin the feel of it or something

i just figured this was a relevant point to add although i would like it if the 3d depth slider thing was utilized in the new two games
Thanked by: Baegal
(02-26-2012, 05:16 PM).Luke Wrote: Besides, it's a sequel, not the next generation. It'd be a shame to throw the old engine out the window over new tech when you could spend less time improving the old one to suit the needs of the next release.

I was going to make a counter-point, but I don't really need to since you did it for me.

(02-26-2012, 02:04 PM)Radular Bastard Wrote: Well Money Man, they have 3d models that look fantastic right there on the 3ds Pokedex. And what your saying is they're to lazy to put effort into a new release. I'd rather wait a bit longer and get something brand new than a recycled game.

Also, while that is true, they only have models for 5th gen Pokemon. They would have to make gens 1-4 from scratch.

This is a "sequel" in the same sense that Crystal or Emerald are sequels to G/S and R/S. There is no reason at all that these games should be hon the 3DS. And I'm not saying this out of spite because I don't own one. I do own one. I'm just thinking rationally here.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Garamonde

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